Friday, August 17, 2018

Men like me ...

Shouldn't be priests.

Dan Mattson says it better than I can, and he also happens to be a much more credible witness than myself.  (He's a published author and a public speaker-apologist on Catholic teaching regarding homosexuality.)  I will let his essay speak for itself, but I want to post just a couple of excerpts which explain why ssa-gay men shouldn't pursue ordained priesthood.

I am the sort of man the Catholic Church says shouldn’t be a priest. I experience what the Vatican calls “deep-seated homosexual tendencies,” which, according to the Church, make me an unsuitable candidate for the priesthood. The 2005 Vatican instruction on the question of homosexuality and the priesthood states this clearly: “The Church, while profoundly respecting the persons in question, cannot admit to the seminary or to holy orders those who practise homosexuality, present deep-seated homosexual tendencies or support the so-called ‘gay culture.’” This teaching wasn’t new. In 1961, the Vatican declared that men with homosexual inclinations couldn’t be ordained. Seminarians who “sinned gravely against the sixth commandment with a person of the same or opposite sex” were to be “dismissed immediately.” 
I take no offense at this teaching. In fact, I agree with it. I’m convinced that if the Church had heeded its own counsel from 1961 and 2005, we wouldn’t be reeling from the shocking headlines of today.  
What unites all of these scandals is homosexuality in our seminaries and the priesthood: the result of the Church ignoring its own clear directives. If it is serious about ending the sex scandals, the Church needs to admit it has a homosexual priest problem and stop ordaining men with deep-seated homosexual tendencies. The first “Uncle Ted” scandal was “Uncle Ted” becoming a priest.
I broach the subject with trepidation. I am convinced that most homosexual priests are good and holy men. - Mattson

I wish I had Dan's gift for writing - his witness is so very important today.  Thank you Dan for explaining Catholic teaching so well and for your fidelity to Christ and His Church. 


  1. Oh tosh, Ter - you write every bit as good as Mr. Mattson - maybe even better.

    Father Z has some rather eye opening posts lately. I just remarked on another blog that he's started to sound remarkably like Ann B. No matter if a person likes or dislikes her delivery, it's starting to appear she's been right all along.

    I think the real tragedy here is now many people will look at their own parish priests with a jaundiced eye. I know I tend to...

    Here's part of a comment I left on a blog run by Ragin' Dave, who will be moving back here after he's out of the service in about 4 years or so. His parents live here. We had coffee when he was back here on vacation. Super neat guy with an equally great wife. His dad goes to St. Joan's where I go. His mom goes to St. Pius (a happy clappy parish.)

    "On a happier note, at the Mass for the Assumption I struck up a convo after Mass with the lady sitting behind me. Turns out she's a 3 week revert after 40 years. She's already been to confession and attends the high Mass every Sunday. How did she end up at St. Joan's? She bought a crucifix and wanted it blessed. She called many parishes and the only one who returned her call was St. Joan's. It was meant to be!

    When I said something about Vat II she said, "What's that?" We forget that many pew potatoes - including reverts, have no idea of what's been going on for 50+ years. I did not enlighten her. I simply welcomed her home and suggested we do coffee some Sunday."

    Happy Friday!

    1. Thanks Adrienne. That lady who returned to the sacraments after 50 years is so blessed not to know. I have to try to do that. As for Fr. Z - I've always liked him - he just made me angry many times - I like him when he's humble and full of compunction. Just when I say nice things about him he posts something crazy - like using lethal force in the seminary? Haha. Just beat the guy up if he makes advances, or kick him in the - I mean kick him out. Oh well! LOL!

    2. That lady who returned to the sacraments after 50 years is so blessed not to know

      Absolutely! My friends and I who are refugees from SSPX always joke about having a form of PTSD. You can't be upset about stuff you don't know.

  2. Oh my. This subject is going to drive us all over the edge. From my reading the problem exposed by Pa. Grand Jury reports on men who were not identified as gay prior to their crimes. They were predators who picked victims they thought they could control. The openly gay men are a recent addition. I am curious about the Orthodox and traditional communities handling of this issue. It must exist to some degree as well. As for V2, well there is much that was good that came from that. I am not convinced this problem is directly an outcome of that. One thing for sure, this is not going away any time soon.

    1. It will get worse before it begins to get better, God willing. I have nothing more to say on the matter except to pray and hope that the Holy Father will muster up the courage and the zeal to rid God's temple of the evil that has corrupted so many.

      Let's support him with our prayers and hold him accountable in line with the US bishops because mere words are straw at this point.

      That being said, I will pray to forgive and pray to persevere to the end. God bless all herein.

    2. This is how I want to pray and hope for our beloved Church ...

      This holy yet realistic attitude gives me hope.


  4. Anonymous10:19 PM

    Terry I apologize for accusing you of acting out sexually a while back in an anonymous post. No excuses. God bless you


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