Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Darkness is not dark for you ...

The dead are not dead for God.

It must be my age - but it seems to me that a lot of people are dying or have died.  We all will have to die one day - so it is good to pray for a happy death.

This morning I was thinking, praying for the sick, the dying and the dead.  I read, "In his hand is the soul of every living thing, and the life breath of all mankind." - Job 12:10  And so I thought to myself, the dead are not dead for God.  If, as the psalm say, 'darkness is not dark for you' - then the dead are not dead for God.  As Jesus explained to the Scribes, "he is not God of the dead, but of the living, for to him all are alive." - Luke 20:38

Prayer really is our consolation and means of inseparable union.

When St. Elizabeth of the Trinity died, her last words were: "I go to Light, to Love, to Life."  Her life became her heaven on earth, living in God:  "The Trinity - this is our dwelling, our 'home', the Father's house that we must never leave." [...] "It is there, right in the depths, in the Heaven of my soul, that I love to find Him since He never leaves me. God in me, I in Him, oh! that is my life!"

Therefore, we never have to be afraid. We are never alone. We are never lost.  In God the dead are not dead.  No matter what others say or do, all is well, so long as we, by faith, "remain in the presence of God, of the God who is all Love dwelling in our souls." - St. Elizabeth


  1. Exactly Terry. This is why we are not to worry.

    1. I re-read this post. I just love, "the dead are not dead to God." It is so soothing to read and meditate on. I want to hold on to that thought for ever, for eternity. Thanks Terry.

    2. That was my meditation after communion tonight as well. Thanks to you too Wallace.

  2. In your kindness please pray for my parish priest. He had a stroke on Saturday and died this afternoon. He was 55 and we are absolutely stunned and shocked. His poor mother - this is the second child she has lost to a sudden death.

    1. I will remember him and his family in my prayers.

    2. That is sad - I am praying too.

    3. Thank you for your prayers.

  3. So many young priests dying in their younger years. Very sad. Will pray for him, his family and parishioners.


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