Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Sometimes you just have to be vulnerable ... 'yet we try to hide our poverty for as long as we can and to pretend we are strong' ...

God's ways are not our ways; God's choices are not the choices of society.
God chooses 'the poor, the weak, the needy',
those who recognize their poverty -
not just a material poverty but an inability to cope with life,
a feeling of powerlessness and not knowing what to do.
A mother who just lost a child is poor.
A man whose wife left him is poor.
A man who lost his job is poor.
The man who learns he has cancer is poor.
The - pope - who senses his body is growing older and weaker is poor.
People who are faced with difficult family situations are poor.
The problem is we refuse to admit our weakness, our needs, our poverty
because we are frightened of rejection.
We have been taught to be strong, to be 'the best'. to win in order
to become 'someone'.
Since society tends to marginalize those who are weak
we think that weakness means rejection.
So we try to hide our poverty for as long as we can
and to pretend we are strong;
 - self-sufficient -
we build up an appearance of being in control.
We need to hear that gentle, inner voice of God who tells us:
'You don't need to pretend.
You do not need to hide your weakness.
You can be yourself.
I didn't call you to l'Arche or to another form of community
first of all to help others
or to prove that you were generous or efficient.
I called you because you are poor,
just like the ones you came to serve,
and because the Kingdom of God is promised to the poor.' - Jean Vanier


  1. That painting looks just like one I have hanging in my bedroom. What a coincidence. I look at it just about everyday. I love it. Reminds me of my spiritual hunger and nakedness. "Vanity of vanities, says the Preacher, vanity of vanities! All is vanity." Thanks!

    1. Thanks for letting me know that! Sometimes I worry people just throw my stuff out, put it in a garage sale, or give to someone who wouldn't appreciate it. I'm too attached to my work, simple as it can be. Each piece is a piece of my heart.

      Good to hear from you - you and your family remain in my prayers. God bless!


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