Wednesday, March 01, 2017

Lent is a time to repent and believe in the Gospel.

When no counsel, leads to comfort...

I think it may be easier to do that if I ignore what comes out of the Vatican and Vatican spokesmen.

Some things have been bothering me lately.  For instance, to suggest that couples living in sin should be admitted to Holy Communion, repeated by so many Churchmen, simply contradicts Catholic teaching.  It's not Catholic.

I say that after considering the life and repentance of St. Margaret of Cortona, in preparation for Lent.  It has troubled me, considering how Our Lord himself explained to St. Margaret the gravity of her sinful life, calling her lover 'the enemy of your salvation'.

While she was at prayer, Margaret heard our Lord make mention of the different stages of her vocation from its first beginning:
"My child," He said to her, "think on the manifold graces and lights with which I have endowed thy soul, in order to turn thee to Me. Think of how, on the death of the enemy of your salvation, overcome with sorrow, with downcast looks, bathed in tears, and clothed in black, you came in confusion to Laviano, to your father's house. Think of how, at the instigation of your stepmother, he altogether forgot fatherly compassion, and drove you from the house... - Life and Revelations

I need to look to the saints, to the penitents this Lent.  I need solid doctrine.

No more useless information ...

St. Alexis and St. Mary of Egypt,
pray for us.

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