Sunday, September 25, 2016

On Lazarus the beggar.

Dogs even used to come and lick his sores.
Dogs and cats are often kinder than people.

The rich man and Lazarus  
There is another detail in (Today's) parable, a contrast. The opulent life of this nameless man is described as being ostentatious: everything about him concerns needs and rights. Even when he is dead he insists on being helped and demands what is to his benefit. 
Lazarus’ poverty, however, is articulated with great dignity: from his mouth no complaints or protests or scornful words issue. This is a valuable teaching: as servants of the word of Jesus we have been called not to parade our appearances and not to seek for glory; nor can we be sad or full of complaints. We are not prophets of gloom who take delight in unearthing dangers or deviations; we are not people who become ensconced in our own surroundings, handing out bitter judgments on our society, on the Church, on everything and everyone, polluting the world with our negativity. Pitiful skepticism does not belong to whoever is close to the word of God.
Whoever proclaims the hope of Jesus carries joy and sees a great distance; such persons have the horizon open before them; there is no wall closing them in; they see a great distance because they know how to see beyond evil and beyond their problems. At the same time, they see clearly from up close, because they are attentive to their neighbour and to their neighbour’s needs. The Lord is asking this of us today: before all the Lazaruses whom we see, we are called to be disturbed, to find ways of meeting and helping, without always delegating to others or saying: “I will help you tomorrow; I have no time today, I’ll help you tomorrow”. This is a sin. The time taken to help others is time given to Jesus; it is love that remains: it is our treasure in heaven, which we earn here on earth. - Pope Francis Homily

Yeah but - what if he wore jeans to Mass?

What if he tried to hold my hand?

What if he sang out of tune?

What if he took communion in the hand?

What if he smelled ... of alcohol?

What if he talked in church after Mass?

What if he asked for a few dollars to buy breakfast?


  1. Right on Terry and yes to what our Papa has to say about each and every one of us.
    That parable has always been a favorite of mine but today after Mass, it opens my eyes to new truths.

    Thank you!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Oh, I once gave bus fare to an ex con who smelled like alcohol. I wasn't sure if it was for the bus or the next beer. I do try to give if I can.


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