Sunday, September 25, 2016

Prayerful considerations in preparation for the feast of the Little Flower.

"My heart was filled with charity. 
I forgot myself to please others and, 
in doing so, became happy myself."

From the life of St. Therese:
One day in the infirmary during her last illness, my sister called my attention to the soft, downy linens which the infirmarian, Sr. Stanislaus always had at hand for the benefit of her patients.  
"Souls should be treated with the same tender care," Therese said, "but why is it that we forget this so frequently, and allow those about us to go on unnoticed in the endurance of sharp interior pain?  Shouldn't the spiritual needs of the soul be attended to with the same clarity, with the same delicate care we devote to our neighbor's bodily necessities?  For some souls are really sick; there are many weak souls on earth, and all souls without exception suffer at one time or other during life.  How tenderly we should not only love them but also show our love for them. - My Sister, St. Therese, By Celine Martin 

Dear St. Therese, you went out of your way to befriend
those you liked least, 
the most disagreeable, the most disturbed in spirit,
pray for me whom you have likewise gone out of your way for.
You have prayed for me and loved me when I was most far away ...
obtain for me now, a heart contrite and humbled,
full of love, on fire with charity,
that I may follow you and the legion of little souls
in your splendid way of 
confidence and love. 
Thank you for having heard my prayer.


O Lord, Who has said: Unless you become as little children you shall not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; grant us, we beseech Thee, so to follow in humility and simplicity of heart the footsteps of St. Therese, the virgin, that we may obtain everlasting rewards. Who lives and reigns forever. Amen.


  1. St Therse teaches us so much about accepting sufferings. Doing small penance to help big causes like priests, missionaries, and poor souls in purgatory. Easier said then done I have found. I have experienced unexpected gifts of flowers after completing her novena. Once, a few years ago a coworker was given two bouquets of flowers. She gave me one " for your wife." Who that day completed the novena. I am still amazed because this was no common occurance.

    1. I went to a retreat based on Therese's spirituality. I didn't ask for roses to affirm that she was there for the 9 days but asked if she'd let me know somehow that she heard my prayer. My first flight on the way home featured a passenger right behind me holding a bouquet of red roses. In the airport during the layover there was a lady lined up to board the next flight holding a bouquet of roses. When I landed at my destination a man walked by the baggage claim holding a bouquet of roses and tulips. And when I finally got home there was a bouquet of tulips (one of my favorite flowers). I'd say Therese held up her end of the deal most admirably!

  2. Yes Angela you got your answer. Beautiful story.


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