Tuesday, April 05, 2016

St. Vincent Furrier, O.P.

The O.P. stands for 'Oh Please!'

Now St. Vincent Ferrer, the Spanish Dominican, gained acclaim as a missionary and a logician.  A fiery preacher, he was known as the Angel of the Apocalypse, yet he was always solicitous for the ordinary people, especially sinners.


  1. "he was always solicitous for the ordinary people, especially sinners."

    I would venture to say he was quite a beauty too. Beautifully robed in pristine black robes with a sparkling white collar of sorts. Those lovely eyes would captivate just about anyone I'm sure. <3

    1. Yes, you are right: he Is gorgeous: and no doubt the head-bumps would be miraculously consoling...

  2. . I read today that he backed the Pope at Avignon at the same time that Catherine of Sienna backed the Pope in Rome...a period in which three were claiming to be Pope. Catherine of Sienna's pick eventually was affirmed as the real Pope.

    1. I know - he also was quite the anti-Semite.

    2. John Chrysostom had sermons that were in that mode. In Exodus, God in the Sinai Covenant says He punishes to the 3rd and 4th generation those who hate Him. That means that it stopped at 70 AD's destruction of Jerusalem as to the physical punishment where most were younger than those who rejected Christ. The spiritual punishment of a "partial blindness" persists just as all of us still suffer punishment from Adam's sin...you stub your toe in the dark thanks to Adam. More seriously we suffer death because of Adam to this day so that Jews having a " partial blindness" in spiritual matters doesn't mean we are scot free of trouble...witness the bickering of Catholics against each other for centuries. Now it's Mass wars for some but once Dominicans accused Franciscans of usury in their pawn shops. Both accused the Jesuits on the Chinese ancestral rights issue. Jansenists accused Jesuits of laxism then ended up retreating. Now it's less intellectual. There's blogs that believe that if the priest faced the altar instead of facing the people, Shangrila would break out....and so it goes on forever.

  3. There's something rather...inquisitorial about this feline. Just sayin'....


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