Saturday, March 03, 2012

Second guessing myself.

Yesterday I wrote a post about another blogger that I later realized was uncharitable even if I hadn't identified him - unfortunately, other readers seemed to know who I was talking about, which was another factor for my need to remove the meat of the text.  Oddly enough, what I disdain in another is usually a reflection of some aspect of my own personality which I dislike and which I'd rather not acknowledge, proving everything does come back to me.  It's all about me!  Just as an earlier post on the lesbian communicant scandal turned out to be, wherein I revealed more about myself than I care to reveal, and/or, that others really want, or need to know.  And just like the blogger I critiqued, my egoism repels rather than attracts.  For me, that is an excellent lesson which I need repeated endlessly, it seems.  To understand just how motivated by self-love I am, how every good intention is tainted.  Anyway - that is usually why my posts disappear.  I'm always repenting.
For what is it to you whether this man be such and such; or that man do or say this or the other.
You are not to answer for others, but must give an account for yourself; why, therefore do you meddle with them...
Be not solicitous for the shadow of a great name; neither seek to be familiarly acquainted with many, nor to be particularly loved by men. - Imitation, Bk III, Ch. 24:1-2

We must not be easy in giving credit to every word and suggestion, but carefully and leisurely weigh the matter according to God.
Alas!  That is our weakness, that we often more readily believe and speak of another that which is evil than that which is good. - Imitation, Bk I, Ch. 4:1

1 comment:

  1. +JMJ+

    There was a time a literary blogger friend invited commenters to share their pet grammar peeves. Everyone started complaining about other people's use of English, and I joined in . . . only to have someone point out to me that I had made a glaring grammatical error in my own comment. It wasn't a typo, either, but something I had thought was an acceptable construction, but wasn't. (Gasp!) Properly chastened, I returned my Grammar Police badge immediately and resigned my position. These days, I only ever nitpick grammar when I have a professional obligation to.

    In a related story, someone else I know online told me that she has the habit of substituting "your" for "you're" or making a similar slip whenever she criticises someone online, and that her father told her that it was her subconscious reminding her that she's far from perfect herself. (You may substitute "conscience" for "subconscious," as you please.)

    It's really not just grammar. If more people paid attention, I'll bet that they'd find that what drives them craziest in others is very strong in themselves as well. And I'd bet further that they'd see this most clearly after having a nice, big row with an "offender."

    I could go on and on, but I'll stop here. =)


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