Thursday, March 08, 2012

The rich man and Lazarus...

Some thoughts:

"If they will not listen to Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded if someone should rise from the dead." - Luke 16:31

If Moses and the prophets and traditional Christian morality is rejected and redefined - in other words, disbelieved, while the Resurrection is denied...

The rich man didn't see Lazarus:

One Thursday evening, while having supper and watching an episode of 30 Rock, Jenna walked up to Liz, who was talking with a nerdy type guy she knew from school.  Jenna started talking as if Liz was all alone and not engaged.  Liz asked her if she noticed she was talking to someone - Genna responded "I don't see people who look like that."   

Narcissism is funny.  We laugh now...


  1. I cannot tell you how much I love this painting, Terry. This one and the child w/ the Sacred Heart. I sometimes wish I could pay you to paint St.Igatius ;)

  2. I always thought this statement was telling about us as people: "If they will not listen to Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded if someone should rise from the dead." - Luke 16:31

    I hear over and over again from people I know that "nobody knows what happens at death" which is true to a certain extent but yet there are mystics and saints who have a lot to say about the subject. However, the point is that even if someone (one of their loved ones perhaps) were to come back and tell them to change their lives, I'm uncertain that in itself would be enough. I think the pull to do things "our own way" is so strong that even if a soul were to return from the dead to say "change your ways" I don't know whether people would respond. a fallen away self described gay psychologist who I know always makes the comment that "denial is a wonderful thing". unfortunately, it (denial) can also land you in hell.

  3. I love the stories of the rich man and lazaru. It has a lot of very wonderful words and can help save us.

    "If they will not listen to Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded if someone should rise from the dead."

  4. Servus

    think the pull to do things "our own way" is so strong that even if a soul were to return from the dead to say "change your ways" I don't know whether people would respond
    I am reading a Right to be Merry by Mother Mary Francis PCC. She says that : "self will is said to die only fifteen minutes before we do--or is it fifteen minutes after! At any rate, the feeling of being Captain of this ship, mistress of one's own affairs, is the last luxury nature is willing to forgo."

    Man oh man. Do I know about his ;)

  5. Maria:

    I remember that book!! A Right to be Merry! I read that when I was grade school. I remember the cover had I think Poor Clares in circle holding hands or something? I forgot what it was about though.

    Yes, that self will is ever present. Dying to self is a daily process or better said something that takes place many times a day.

  6. SM--Yep. Two nuns and a friar, St.Francis? Wonderful book. She seems to have been holy and smart, not an easy combo, right?lol

  7. Thanks very much Maria!

  8. Oh - and which image of St. Ignatius by other painters is your favorite?

  9. That is the thing, Terry. There isn't one. I keep thinking that none of them do him justice. I keep imagining a gentleness in his eyes that none seem to convey.


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