Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Trying to make sense of contemporary monasticism...

The Vocation to Seek God by Following Christ in the School of Love

... [In]this goal is the ultimate set of rationale for the life of our monasteries. Any other good, such as social recognition, usefulness to mankind or society, or material gain, must be subordinated and adjusted to this goal. They should never be put before spiritual progress, personal improvement, or growth in virtue.

41. If the monasteries should serve the vocation of the members, we must also realize that, should we ever lose this spirit of our vocation, no matter how much we might wish to be of use to the monastery, we estrange ourselves from the community and make our way of life senseless and empty. For his vocation and the response by which he accepts it make the monk. From this alone flows the only reason for our monasteries and our Order to exist. - DECLARATION OF THE GENERAL CHAPTER OF THE CISTERCIAN ORDER ON THE ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS OF CISTERCIAN LIFE TODAY

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