Thursday, August 04, 2011

News of the very, very nutty...

The end of the Vatican...
And I thought TIA and Novus Ordo Watch and Gruner's Fatima Crusader and blogs-like-them were the nuts.  Today I come to find out there is another fringe organization calling itself the Fatima Movement.  I know!  The Fatima Movement purports to have the new translation of the Third Secret of Fatima and they have revealed that "the Vatican will be destroyed on August 17, 2011."  I KNOW!  "According to their claim, the prediction is based on a new translation of the 1944 Vatican documentation of the the Three Secrets of Fatima."

The Fatima Movement's website also clears up the question, "Why did Sr. Lucy look so different in earlier photos than she did in later photos?"
Answer: Sister Lucia was killed by Eastern Star (the women's Freemasonic Lodge) and replaced with an imposter around 1958.
Holy crap!  So anyway, I heard the Jewish Freemasons were also forcing little kids to crouch in Muslim prayer postures when they adored the Blessed Sacrament in their efforts to ... what?  I'm just not sure.
THIS JUST IN!  Parking meters installed in Medjugorje.  Maybe the Vatican is moving there?
BREAKING!  Fr. Z is returning to the Sabine Farm from his well deserved R&R vacation up north.

H/T SpiritDaily for the Fatima Movement link and the Medj news.


  1. That's just...weird.

  2. Oh man! That'll put a damper on my birthday festivities. It's bad enough that Elvis died on the 16th and made that a national day of mourning, but now the Vatican?

    So depressed.

  3. +JMJ+

    It all makes sense now.

  4. Profo'sizing - Power to Alarm4:25 PM's/fmpbooklet.pdf

    I think the 'gathering storm' has gathered.

  5. Anonymous4:56 PM

    I'm still praying for you, but seriously Terry, are you hacking me? This is the second time or maybe more, where I've been reading about something weird and then you posted on it immediately. The other that springs to mind was the day you posted that you deleted some "evidence emails." I had just deleted some "evidence emails" of my own the day before. Something strange is going on...

  6. I am coming to the midwest in October, can we get the Midwest non-crazy catholic crew together and watch Big Bang Theory in Marathon form?

    Larry can make those nachos you like so much.

    Wait, what did you say about the Vatican?

  7. "the Vatican will be destroyed on August 17, 2011."

    I didn't Kat was heading back to Rome.

    LOL! I kill me!

  8. I laughed pretty hard reading this, I have to stop reading your blog while at work.

  9. " Fr. Z is returning to the Sabine Farm from his well deserved R&R vacation up north."

    Is the Sabine Farm like the Sabine Women?



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