Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Anders Behring Breivik was not a real knight.

This battle is not of flesh and blood but of principalities and powers. Catholics need their fortitude back, but we can do without the romantic pieties of externalist chivalry. - Fr. Angelo Mary

Though he is called a madman, I have to wonder about that.  That he thought of himself a Knight Templar in shining armor bearing the red cross of a Crusader on his tunic - that is simply delusional.  Many people today are delusional.  Many aspire to be knight Crusaders in the spiritual battle, and many take up arms of their own making - completely on their own - and with misplaced zeal claim to be serving Our Lady, even proclaiming that the Blessed Virgin wears 'combat boots' amongst other types of war mongering analogies.  Few of us living in the world really understand the profound depths of spiritual warfare however, and the humility and fidelity it takes to persevere in and through it - often amidst much tribulation and even through defeat after defeat.
That said, Fr. Angelo Mary, a genuine knight of the Immaculata,  has an excellent post stripping away any illusion that Anders Behring Breivik was a knight or hero of any sort.
Brievik is a self-proclaimed pragmatist, and a conspiracy nut, who in one breath ridicules conspiracy theory and then posits his own without blinking. - Fr. Angelo Mary
I am not going to waste much time on this, as his manifesto is revealed to be what one would expect, mostly a cut and paste of any kind of conservatism he could find to justify his racism and his plans for violent revolution. Not that conservative thought leads to the recent events in Norway any more than liberal thought necessarily leads to the dirty deeds of Bill Ayers.
When I first read that Brievik was supposedly a “Christian Fundamentalist,” I thought to myself that he is more than likely some kind of esoteric “Christian.” In fact, he is a Freemason, but that does not explain things either, because Norwegian Freemasonry is a “rectified rite” that has jettisoned the myth about the Templar origins of the Masons.
Brievik has founded his own “church.” It is of a cut and paste construction, just like his manifesto: part Christian, part neopagan Odinist, part Freemason and whatever. I would also add that his church is Nazi as well, but he says that Nazism has been so demonized that “it is pointless to try to resurrect it in any way or form.” His interest in Christianity is about cultural unity for Europe through the common patrimony that Christianity offers. He says he is not interested in a relationship with Jesus. He is interested in his Norse and European cultural and racial heritage. And kill anyone who gets in the way.
I once speculated that Europe’s choice to ignore its Christian patrimony in the formation of the European Union would result in the rise of nationalist fascism with a pseudo-Christian face. There you have it. Brievik has probably done what others have thought about doing but who were not crazy enough to actually do. Europe has abandoned Christianity and that is a huge void to fill—rather it is a void that cannot be filled. So Europe swirls with the liberal culture of death, Islamism and fascism. Did I mention neopaganism? 
Brievik mentions among other things the Battle of Vienna and the Feast of the Holy Name of Mary. Unfortunately, he entirely misses the point. Whose side is Our Lady on? And a better question would be: Who is on Her side? This battle is not of flesh and blood but of principalities and powers. Catholics need their fortitude back, but we can do without the romantic pieties of externalist chivalry. - Fr. Angelo Mary, Templar Tragedy
On a lighter note, Fr. Longenecker came to find out Brievik actually linked to a blog post on his blog, Standing On My Head.  It just goes to demonstrate Brievik most likely really did just cut and paste any kind of conservatism he could find to justify his fanaticism.
Image: Auxilium Christianorum: Virgin of Lepanto
Break the captive's fetters ;
Light on blindness pour ;
All our ills expelling,
Every bliss implore.


  1. He quoted all kinds of crap without discerning any of it.

    That's not stopping the Left, especially the more powerful EU/European Left, from tarring anyone who has promoted conservatism or raised questions about Islam or multiculturalism, or anyone who speaks of returning to Christianity as the basis for society.

    Another angle no one has picked up on is that the guy was apparently a huge, huge fan of the show "Dexter", a show which portrays a serial killer and sadistic violence in a positive light. Anyone would scoff at the idea that the creators of the show were somehow responsible for the murders.

    Yet Robert Spencer somehow is, according to the media.

    Fr. Angelo's article was great - I love his blog.

  2. Terry:

    I don't think you were talking about me in this post, but you *could* have been in that my blog is based on Spiritual Warfare. I think you are right:
    " Many aspire to be knight Crusaders in the spiritual battle, and many take up arms of their own making - completely on their own - and with misplaced zeal claim to be serving Our Lady, even proclaiming that the Blessed Virgin wears 'combat boots' amongst other types of war mongering analogies. Few of us living in the world really understand the profound depths of spiritual warfare however, and the humility and fidelity it takes to persevere in and through it - often amidst much tribulation and even through defeat after defeat."

    This has inspired my to pray and think heavily about this... again, you have spiritually directed me...

  3. "often amidst much tribulation and even through defeat after defeat."

    Keep on, keeping on.

  4. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Michael Voris responded:

  5. Joe - you are right on with your blog - I wasn't thinking of your good work at all.

  6. Anonymous5:18 PM


    Thanks for the kind words.

    I will write on the "army boots" matter in a day or so. Spiritual warfare is a matter of combating pride on all fronts. It is the harder road--much harder than doing nothing on the one hand, and "slitting throats" on the other. The prophet Elias is better admired than imitated.

  7. Terry:

    I wasn't fishing, what I meant was, that anyone that talks of spiritual warfare could be the subject of your post, it was a good reminder.

  8. Joe - understood - you still do good work! :)


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