Saturday, April 09, 2011

Michael Voris... what's up with that?

Michael Voris makes it clear that we may not all belong to the same Catholic Church.
I know, I know, all of you have seen this video before.  Nevertheless, this video and others like it may be the reason some people do not want Michael to speak in their dioceses.  But there ain't no stopping him - his message gets out and about nonetheless.  BTW - it takes time for a new bishop to reform a diocese, and sometimes bad speakers slip through while good speakers are silenced.  I'm thinking of Scranton here.
BTW - I think it is admirable how Voris and the couple who sponsored him decided not to hold the event elsewhere. 
Why puppets?
That said - the real purpose of this post is to ask, "Why puppets at Mass?"  Liturgical dancers are queer and hideous enough - but why puppets?  What possible significance do puppets have?  They look like Tiki gods.  Mr. Voris is absolutely right - what we see in the video is definitely not the Catholic Church.  It is another sect.  What an insult to the elderly.  (That was a Mass at a nursing home, right?  The black dancer was a certified nursing assistant I think.)
Seriously - if a liturgist or worship space designer is reading this - please explain the use of puppets for me.  I don't get it.  Thanks.


  1. I cannot explain the puppets because I am not Liturgist. But my guess is that they represent something very important!

  2. "They" will stop at nothing to discredit Michael Voris. Of course the diocese of Scranton can't have him speaking the truth, just as our bishop banned Corapi after he had the nerve to speak the truth in Idaho.

    Anyone who thinks the Church doesn't have a problem has their head so far into a sandpit they will never see the light of day again.

    @Paul - the only thing those puppets represent is how far certain "Catholics" have been sucked into the morose of modernism thereby proving my above statement.

    There is a war for souls going on in this country and so far the bad side is winning.

  3. Well, at least there are no flashmobs at mass yet. I find flashmobs just as annoying as mimes.

  4. Those puppets..Good gracious..I'm thinking of a word more descriptive than utterly ridiculous, but it will make me have to go back to confession.
    I can't believe the lows people will go to to promote their own agenda.
    Lord ~ help help us take back everything they've stolen.

  5. Ah, yes — that "insensitive" Michael Voris. Interestingly, last year the bishop permitted a pro-abortion, pro-unnatural vice American University employee, Sara Bendoraitis, to speak at the University of Scranton. (Source) But, hey, she's not insensitive like Voris. I get it.

  6. Paul - I think so too.

    Adrienne - banned in Idaho? I never knew that.

    Julie - I too despise flash mobs and mimes - just as I did the Macarena.

  7. Terrt: It looks as though Martino, former Bishop, was forced out for having preached the Gospel and calling Senator Casey ( proabort) to task re receiving Holy Communion. Current Bishop Bambera is not following the same course. He,apparently, does not preach the same gospel and is understood as a get along go along, call no one to task. Vin ordinaire for the USSCB. It seems there is more here than meets the eye. We all know what kind of corage it takes for a priest or a Bishop to remain faithful to the Gospel...

  8. Terry, so a flash mob of mimes doing the macarena is out of the question?

  9. A flash mob of mimes with puppets is okay with Terry. As long as it's not during a Mass.

  10. He's not the best example I can think of to put a public face on our faith.


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