Thursday, February 11, 2010

Our Lady of Lourdes: "que soy era immaculada concepciou"

"I am the Immaculate Conception".
Today is nearly as joyful a feast as is December 8, the feast of the Immaculate Conception... Cause of our joy!
Lourdes is all about rescuing sinners, with gentleness and joy, pouring out a Mother's love.  Calling sinners to repentance and prayer, while healing the maladies of sin.  In her apparitions Our Lady taught the faithful how to pray, beginning with the sign of the cross, emphasising the importance of reverence and recollection in such a commonplace Catholic act.
O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee, and for those who do not have recourse to thee, especially the enemies of the Church and those recommended to you.


  1. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Happy day!!! :>

  2. Anonymous1:20 PM

    T, did you see this on Secret Harbor:

    "On this day in 1858 Saint Bernadette Soubirous received her first visit from the Mother of God. Like today, it was a Thursday which young Bernadette said was 'the Thursday before Ash Wednesday...'"


  3. I did not see that - thanks for letting me know.

  4. It was through the intercession of our Lady of Lourdes that I received permission to become a Catholic as a 17 yr old from my parents, who had earlier forbidden it. I made a Novena to her.
    She is always very dear to me.
    Thank you for this post, Terry!

  5. Padre: How AMAZZZING. I am SO glad you are back. I missed you. Even left a msg on your blog. Padre, I am in Baltimore. Never did I see such snow in Madison. Ever.


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