Monday, November 16, 2009

S. Giuseppe Moscati

Third Order Franciscan, Physician.
St. Joseph Moscati was from Benevento in Southern Italy, where most of my friends ancestors came from.  He is noted as the first canonized saint doctor of modern times.  He has been on my list of personal patrons due to the fact he was a single man, living a holy life in the world, faithful to prayer, a daily communicant, and an excellent professional, devoted to the duties of his state in life.  The Franciscan charism acted as a glorious frame surrounding the beauty of his soul; it not only framed his spirituality but became its support.
"Working in Naples, St. Joseph understood the need to bring Christ into his daily work. Christ was intimately linked to his calling as a doctor. To quote him:
"Remember that you have to deal not only with the bodies but also with the moaning souls coming to you. How many suffering people you will more easily soothe by advising and going straight to their souls, instead of giving good prescriptions to be given to the chemist! Be joyful because great will be your reward; but you will have to set a good example of your elevation to God."
There are a number of stories of Dr. Moscati paying close attention to the state of his patient's soul as well as his body, sometimes even bringing the patient back to the sacraments. The Catholic understanding of body and soul clearly informed his understanding of illness and medicine. He saw Confession and Communion as the "first medicine". To help the poor, St. Moscati often donated his medical services or paid for his patients' prescriptions." - CNN
St. Joseph's example brings to mind our courageous contemporary physicians, who out of concern for souls, stand against the culture of death, and in particular the politically correct popular-culture which condones and/or ecncourages contraception, abortion, abuses in biotechnology, as well as gender identity and homosexual disorders.  May St. Joseph Moscati pray for those doctors who face such hostile opposition from their contemporaries.
Prayer to St.Joseph Moscati

"Dear St Joseph Moscati, true model of Christian doctors, in the exercise of your medical profession, you always took care of both the body and soul of every patient.
Look on us, who have recourse to your heavenly intercession, and obtain for us both physical and spiritual health, and a share in the dispensation of heavenly favours.
Soothe the pains of our suffering people; give comfort to the sick, consolation to the afflicted and hope to the despondent.
May our young people find in you an ideal, our workers an example, the aging a comfort, the dying the hope of eternal salvation.
To all of us be a pattern of industriousness, honesty and charity; so we may comply with our Christian duties and glorify God our Father."

November 16 is St. Joseph's feast day.
More on The Life of St. Joseph Moscati
First Modern Medical Doctor Canonized.


  1. Hey,

    Saw a movie on EWTN last night on the life of Moscati and was inspired. Found your post today and linked to it on a post I did on my blog. Just wanted to let you know. I will check out some of your other posts as you've peaked my interest on some of the other people up for canonization.


  2. Welcome Mike - this is a crazy blog but I'm faithful to Christ and the pope and the magisterium - to death. God bless!

  3. i have never heard of or was aware of saint giuseppe moscati until tonite. i was lookin for somethin on EWTN. thinkin i was puttin on a reminder for one show it turned out bein a reminder 4 the movie "st. moscah dr of poor". it must have been meant for me to do that mistake (and a good one too). i hope to learn more about it as time goes by. it was worth the watch and worth makin him a saint. he deseves it.

  4. I watched it last night too - I was even more deeply impressed by his charity.

  5. I also watched the movie last night. I occasionally turn on EWTN and last evening was one of those times. How fortunate That I came upon it. Such an inspiration! I hope to get a book about him and send it to a niece and nephew who recently became dotors. I will also start praying to San Giuseepe Moscati for my children, whom I desire to become physicians

  6. Debra J.11:04 PM

    I, too, saw the movie on EWTN this week. I turned EWTN on, looking for the scheduled programming. Instead, I found the movie about St. Giuseppe Moscati. I had never heard of him so it was as if I was meant to see it, too. I was so touched by the film. I was reminded of the Bible passage: "If you would be perfect, go, sell what you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me."


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