Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The day after.

More popular than Joshua.
What Christian denomination do some of the black celebrities belong to any way? Someone once said that in our modern age all of the ancient heresies have re-emerged, not only in New Age superstitious cults, but in various religious sects as well. It seems to me that many of the pop stars of contemporary culture are willing to embrace any cult that comes along, under the guise of a universalist form of Christianity of course, although Islam and Buddhism are popular favorites too.
Many people, not just black people, and not just Americans either, seem to regard President Obama as something of a Messiah for the new age. Sometimes it appears to be an adulation that borders on idolatry. And there is a contingent of entertainers, perhaps blinded by the glamour of their celebrity, working to solidify this belief amongst their very impressionable, star struck fans - young and old. This could be dangerous.
Kind of like the blind leading the blind.
(I'm not inviting criticism of the President with this post - I'm simply a bit incredulous at what comes out of the mouths of some of his supporters.)


  1. Anonymous12:38 PM

    All day yesterday & into this morning, I've had this underlying feeling of foreboding. Watching the Inauguration festivities all day yesterday *was* inspiring & I'm glad our Nation can (finally) see past skin color to elect a minority to the highest office of the Land. BUT ... watching the teary-eyed thousands, listening to the collective gush of all those interviewed (celebs & average joe's alike), I couldn't help but think, "do these people really REALLY not 'get it'?"

    My personal pusillanimity causes me to be scared at the thought of the persecution that's in store for the Church if/when FOCA gets introduced/passed.


  2. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Is anyone listening to what he is actually saying? So far, he has said nothing provocative, or left-leaning. As a matter of fact he sounds somewhere close to Reagan. Read his words with an open mind, as if you didn't know who was delivering the words. Are you sure that if you didn't know who was responsible for the words, you wouldn't be lauding him? Candidates run for the office from somewhere to the right or left, but the President almost always governs from the center, or right of center. Let's keep praying for a conversion of heart on the life issue. It's possible, as one of your earlier posters said.

  3. I actually liked his address very much, I was impressed. I do indeed pray for a change of heart on the abortion issue. In fact I'll be at adoration for the rest of the afternoon.

  4. I'm glad you're at Adoration and I hope you prayed for the children that will be killed world wide since the One overturned the Mexico City policy.

    You tax dollars at work - killing babies all over the world...

  5. Well, we've been killing them on this side of the placenta without hesitation for 8 years now, why not?

    / cynicism

  6. Anonymous5:19 PM

    When the new President said that he would protect the most "innocent" of life--I wondered who he thought he was talking about!? It was not the unborn, who he does not consider. He is an excellent communicator--says what people want to hear and so I would say his new cult following would be the church of "tell me what I want to hear."

  7. Like President Bush who told the "pro-life movement" what it wanted to hear for 8 years, and then did nothing?

  8. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Some in the pro-life movement consider Bush to have been the most reliable President ever. He did make a couple crucial judicial appointments. Unfortunately, we're still short of a majority in favor of overturning Roe. Movement on the FOCA front would circumvent the court route altogether. I don't believe it will muster enough support in congress to pass, even if Obama pushes it, but we need be ever vigilent.

  9. I agree michael, I don't think it will have the support to pass, either, but your call for vigilance is wise.


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