Monday, July 21, 2008


I was just going through my old posts looking for something on small black capes...


And I skimmed a couple of posts wherein I kind of ranted about other people. Mostly about how people act in church; such as talking in church, chapel veils, genuflecting or not, receiving communion standing or kneeling, in-the-hand or not, and so on and so forth.


1st conclusion: How unbelievably petty and unimportant.


2nd conclusion: What a meddling busy-body I am.


3rd conclusion: The posts were extremely poorly written.


4th conclusion: What a waste of time - to read or to write..


And to think we are going to be judged on every word we utter.


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  4. Gosh Belinda - now I know we are to be BFF. You sound just like a female version of Terry and I think he just insane (but in a good way)

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  8. Anonymous3:32 PM

    You had a post (I think it was you!) where you were snarky about some old people who didn't kneel and then you found out they had knee problems; it made me realize that I was waaay too full of myself for genuflecting for Communion. I had to stop immediately, and it's now been keeping me from wearing a veil for the TLM. I just know how I'll be the same awful way if I start! (neveryoumind that I hate wearing any kind of headgear except the bison hat. It's the fear of PRIDE I tell you, that keeps me from pulling that doily from underneath the lamp and wearing it to Mass)

    And it's all thanks to you! Keep printing this stuff and don't listen to the naysayers.

  9. Thanks Jeanette - that is funny.

  10. Anonymous3:58 PM

    you finally hit the nail on the head on conclusion 1 & 2 you are spending way to much time on this stuff-aren't you painting anymore

  11. Thanks V for agreeing with me - My painting is just as bad though.


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