Sunday, October 21, 2018

Patrick McGrath Muñiz Art


  1. Wow. There is so much there! What does it mean?

    1. "What does it all mean?"

      That the POTUS was chubby, well dressed and blonde when as a child. From the looks of it, he was hooked on Twitter from an early age too as it looks like his attention is solely on what looks like a cell phone.

      Chaos and calm ensues as well ...

    2. Click on the title and it will take you to the artist's narrative.

    3. Thank you Terry. That helped a lot. I did catch much of the meaning but the artists narrative filled in the details. I am not to the point of the author yet. Calamities yet to come may push me further in that direction. My dreams are getting more bizarre though. I could do a similar mural just from them. Last night had a cast of characters including Queen Elizabeth who pick me up in a go cart and asked me for directions! What does it all mean? LOL! Am I losing my mind?

    4. I had a vivid dream I went to confession and Fr. Amorth was waiting for me and then Fr. Z embraced me and said he would hear my general confession.

  2. Ok, thanks Yaya, but what about the flood? Global warming? All the other distressing things. Are we really this doomed? I am still hopeful.

    1. The flood? Who knows? I will leave it to Divine Providence to assist with all the other distressing things as I would like a bit of joy and peace in my life.

      I will continue to pray and hope against hope that whatever comes our way we will not lose our hope in Christ Jesus nor the gift of humor and mirth amidst the tears.


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