Saturday, October 28, 2017

What's the deal with Catholics claiming other Catholics are out for the blood of Cardinal Sarah?

I've just about had it.  What?

What's with all the ideological rhetoric?  Like Fr. Z calling these people the Red Menace?

He keeps posting about the 'New catholic Red Guard'.

Fr. Z is into branding - that's most likely because he can market it on mugs and bumper stickers.  It's amazing how his entrepreneurial ambition sometimes just adds to the craziness and confusion of Catholic information online.  Some days it is difficult to sort through the nutcases online when Fr. Z chimes in with this stuff.  He can come off just as much a crackpot as an Ann Barnhardt for instance, or even Skojec at 1P5 and a few others who make the headlines at Canon 212 - maybe add in Raymundo Arroyo and his World-Over-Celebrity-Interview-Showcase onto that list as well. 

When Fr. Z starts trumpeting this type of click-bait, he once again demonstrates why it is highly unlikely he will ever be named a 'domestic prelate'.  It may even indicate a serious lack of balance - a problem which certainly seems obvious with Barnhardt and Skojec. 

The 'New catholic Red Guard' - indeed.  Benedict and Sarah 'haters'.  Really?  C'mon.  Call out errors in teaching and dogma but stop with the mixed metaphor editorializing - it just adds to the confusion.

You are making things worse instead of better.

You call someone a Nazi 
and they turn around and call you
a Communist.  Where are the Catholics?
I thought this was about faith and morals?
What's ideology got to do with it?


  1. And yet once again you speak as if the words are coming out of my own mind and mouth…

  2. The bomb throwers, SM and MT both have articles out on New Advent fanning the flames on this so-called latest papal scandal.

    Were they to fan the flames for Christ, I would have a much better opinion of these two. They instead, come off as gossips, negative always when reporting about our Papa.

  3. If I had to make a rule for myself, it would probably be never to use a term online that I wouldn't be embarrassed to say out loud among strangers. Which is what the internet is full of in any case.

  4. Fr. Z is into branding....put it on a coffee cup & sell it!


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