Wednesday, October 25, 2017

The Hidden Surprise In the Fatima Secret

Soviet Women's Equality.

“The decisive battle between the Lord and the kingdom of Satan will be over marriage and the family.” Sr. Lucia dos Santos.

The Fatima surprise ... the Devil's final battle - over marriage and the family. Some Catholics seem surprised about that. Especially because Fatimists believed it was all about the Great Apostasy - even at the top - as Fr. Kramer's book asserted nearly two decades ago:
Fr Kramer's expose of the "great crime...committed against the Catholic Church and the world at large" by the refusal to consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart OF Mary while knowingly and willfully suppressing the Third Secret of Fatima is grimly methodical. Fr Kramer cast his book in the form of a legal indictment outlining the crime, the evidence for the crime,naming the suspected perpetrators of the crime, their motives, their defense of their actions, and the devastating consequences that have already resulted from their crime and will continue to intensify until the crime is undone. - Devil's Final Battle
When Cardinal Caffarra  made public what Sr. Lucia told him about the real final battle, Catholics jumped on that to indict the Pope and Amoris laetitia as somehow part of Satan's battle plan.  Maybe it is?  I don't know.  The Devil has to delight in the division within the Church and the attacks upon the papacy and magisterium, but I wonder how this 'decisive battle' message is such a surprise for so many.  Where have they been?  The only new development in the area of marriage is the opening to Same Sex unions and families.  It's a big development - but essentially - at least on the surface, gay people simply want the option to domesticate and have a family.  Laying aside religious resistance, and God willing, religious liberties are not violated, civil unions are late to the 'final battle'.  (However, that's not the focus of my discussion here.)

Americans welcomed the errors of Russia.

What I'm getting at is that to understand what Lucia said about the 'final battle' warning can best be understood if we go back to what Our Lady said at Fatima in the first place: "Russia will spread her errors ..."  Therefore, it's necessary to take a look at those errors, specifically how the Soviets sought to destroy marriage and control the family, and how this form of 'family planning' was popularized in the West, where it actually originated.  The 'errors of Russia' were 'domesticated' in and through  academia and the sciences, and popularized by the entertainment industry. 

So why is this such a huge revelation for some Catholics today?

We've been living with these 'freedoms' for more that half a century.  No fault divorce, contraception, abortion, along with all of the effects of these things, have been tolerated, accepted and even affirmed by Americans for decades.  We consider them human rights.  Yet so many religious people look for new revelations and locutions to tell us what went wrong?  Or the same people accuse the Church of having failed to teach the truth?  That's diabolic delusion, if indeed you are looking for it - especially when you claim the Pope is teaching errors.

The Secret has already been revealed:  Russia spread her errors and Western economies flourished by them.

I found an interesting article from 1926 titled, "The Russian Effort to Abolish Marriage."  With all the talk of Russia trying to influence U.S. politics these days, it might be good to review how Russia spread her errors and influenced domestic policies in the United States for nearly 100 years.

Just saying, shaking my head.

Russian errors: Soviet tattoos.
Look around you.  
Look at how many Americans are now
covered in tattoos!  Even Catholics!



  1. I am trying to edit a couple of lines in my post as well as formatting - but Blogger isn't functioning properly.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. (couldn’t edit so had to delete and try again)

      You keep referring to modern-day locutions and things, or at least to people who follow them and look for them. I know you’re talking about real people...but to be honest I’ve never heard of them nor the locutions (not that I try very hard to find out!) but I just don’t see this either at the parish level (I do know lots of “trads”) or the online Catholic world that I know about.

      I mean, I have seen bits about the third Fatima secret and consecration of Russia, and there are some unapproved apparitions like Garabandal that I’ve seen flyers for every once in a while, but beyond that, there’s new stuff (supposedly) coming out right now? Whoever is into that I really have never encountered online or in person. Is everyone else reading this blog in the know and I’m the only one who doesn’t have a clue?

      Really not meaning this to be a negative comment - I really do like your commentary - but just sometimes I’m puzzled by those references.

    2. That's good then. I confirms my suspicion that these types are a minority online.

    3. Michael the comment from Diakonos may help you understand where I'm coming from with additional locution sources. The private writings of Sr. Lucia are being manipulated by some, to discredit the Pope and excite the apocalyptic fervor of Fatima cult figures.

    4. Gotcha. Can assume these same people are the ones insisting the consecration wasn’t done right? Because from what little I know of what Sr Lucia has said in later times, the consecration WAS done according to her. You can’t have it both ways.

    5. Yes - the consecration was done. God bless you.

  3. Well here's a couple of my ponderings...

    1) Lucia's statement. While I agree with the seriousness of the topic, I cringe whenever I read (even from a bishop - or maybe he was a cardinal - recently) an equating of this statement with the approved message of Fatima. Even granting the holiness of all three seers the only part of the message approved by the Church as worthy of belief are from May-October 1917. What St. Jacinta or Sister Lucia said on their own afterwards...this all has to be submitted to the discernment of the Church. I ever read one prelate who called Sister Lucia's above quoted statement as a message from Our Lady. Church approval doesn't cover all they say like a blanket (as the disection of the Medjugorje phenomena seems to show as well).

    2. I agree 100% that the battle against marriage began long ago and rests WAY MORE on the shoulders of heterosexual married couples than on anyone else. When the US Bishops started their national campaign to "protect marriage" years ago I seemed like a lone voice saying in these parts suggesting we stop spending so much energy and money on crusading against "the gays" and go where the real trouble nests: heterosexuals cohabitating, going to Reno or Vegas for a quick legal ceremony, divorcing, contracepting, etc. ad nauseum. Why do we focus on a gay minority (maybe 5% of the population???) and ignore the HUGE straight majority in our pews and in our towns? Hmmm...could a lessening the collections because of perceived offense play into this at all?

    Ok just my 2 cents to vent some steam. :)

    1. Thanks much. I agree with you. I posted my comment below just as you were posting yours.

  4. Fr. Mike Schmitz has a good video on tattoos. I'm thinking of getting one...maybe...

    1. Does he really? I'll look for it. I wouldn't get one but I like sleeve tattoos on some people. Hate face tattoos.

    2. True confssion: I have seven tats on my yoke/shoulders/back that form a kind of story of my conversion and subsequent relationship with God. I started getting them when that story began in earnest years ago...and glad I did!

  5. In this context, it's interesting to read a recent column by the Artist Known as Z in which he quotes a married couple as saying:

    "Father, we struggle with communication, we struggle with infertility, we struggle with forgiveness over infidelity, we struggle with finances, we struggle with contraception and Natural Family Planning, we struggle with in-laws, we struggle with so much..."

    All of that?

    Methinks someone is either gilding the lily (which the Z is good at doing, when he isn't filling his rumbly tumbly), or it's emblematic of the absolutely terrible job that we have done in preparing couples for the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony, whether it's in our homes or parishes. Either way, I agree that the grievous wounds to the Sacrament were inflicted way before "Gay Liberation" was a twinkle in Harvey Milk's eye.

    1. I appreciate that acknowledgment. And I agree that anecdote from 'a married couple' sounded a bit scripted.

  6. ....and then there's that spreading Bubonic plague in Africa thing.....

    1. This is even more so!

      Enormous glowing ball over northern Siberia sparks UFO fears

      "When you shall see a night illuminated by an unknown light, know that it is the great sign that God gives you that He is going to punish the world for its crimes by means of war, of hunger, and of persecution of the Church and of the Holy Father." Our Lady of Fatima to the three children, July 13, 1917

    2. I saw the photos - very cool - very ominous. It reminded me of the imagery I used in my Third Secret painting. We'll see...


    1. Just like Ray Marshall to die before the doom.


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