Thursday, October 05, 2017

Many Catholics Online Have Lost Their Minds ...

Or it's mass hysteria sweeping through the trad-o-sphere. Take a look at this screwball screenshot of a so-called Catholic news-aggregate. Fake news bites - to be sure.  The editor is a click bait specialist. (Links to the stories have been removed.)

Register: Catholic parishes are crashing

FrancisVatican online 'child protection' expert: You need people doing this 24/7. People who are actually collaborating with UNICEF, with the United Nations, with Interpol!

Barnhardt and SuperNerd: The civic body should be willing to take steps to protect the citizenry from people like James Martin


FrancisCatholic: Mexican 'Saint Death' believed to be more merciful and forgiving than the Catholic Church

Francis attacks those dangerous nuts who resist his Islamization program: 'They prefer psychological exile from society. It's a disease that does much harm!'

Francis joins list of fiendish world leaders in running for this years’ Nobel Peace Prize

Communist Francis opens two-day DeathAcademy conference by railing against 'technocratic materialism', plugging that seamless garment

Communist Daily Distributes Francis Speeches!

Catholics live in an abusive family, the time to stand up to the abusers is long past - wake up!

"It’s boring, and the list of signatories is unimpressive and badly judged." - Damian Thompson slams Filial Correction and 'dark online Catholic Alt Right propaganda'

Correctio Filialis Signature List Grows, but Still Few Traditional Priests

Filial Correction Spox Dr. Shaw to Opus Dei: If there are problems, we should talk about them, and not pretend they do not exist.

....Why doesn’t Planned Parenthood join the list of Freakish FrancisCardinals and Mouthpieces at Upcoming Boston College ‘Joy of Sex’ Strategy Session?


  1. I read that website daily, and sadly, the articles that are linked are not fake news. They are true. I know that for a lot of people who have their head in the sand and refuse to acknowledge just how bad things are it may seem like these things MUST be fake news. But they aren't. They are real. Thus the sad, sad, sad, situation in the Church right now.

    1. The editorializing the headers for the link is what makes it fake news - going to the particular sites linked to is just a crap shoot. Any site that links to Ann Barnhardt as a serious pundit is nothing but a tabloid - Canon212 is as bad as Novus Ordo Watch. They feed off the 'sad situation' in the Church right now and they exploit it.

    2. Agreed. Canon 212 are not trying to make the situation better; instead, they are fanning the flames, encouraging all sorts of half-truths and lies to circulate wildly, and playing to the gallery in the hope of generating more clicks. They are a breakaway faction from the old "Pew Sitter" news aggregator site. They deserve to be taken as seriously as The Advocate and The Huffington Post, if not less.

  2. I guess I don't get it. I follow the links and they lead to real news stories that reveal the truth about the situation in the world and the Church. I find it to be a very helpful website - they are doing the work of prophetically proclaiming the truth to a Church that doesn't want to hear that something is very, very wrong.


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