Sunday, July 09, 2017

You don't need to pray things away ...

“Jesus does not take the Cross from us, He carries it with us.” - P. Francis - Angelus


  1. Perfectly lines up with the Gospel today about the yoke. I never understood it until I was told that it's a yoke for two - me and Jesus. I always thought I had to carry the weight alone. And even Jesus had Simone of Cyrene to help him out.

  2. But Jesus sometimes heals does He not?

  3. I like the fact that Papa Francis always reminds us that our Lord Jesus is our hope and joy.

    I remembered after reading your post ..."For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."
    John Michael Talbot wrote a beautiful song of praise years ago based on these very words from sacred scripture.

    Bearing one's cross when remembering our Lord's words makes it more bearable for me.


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