Saturday, January 09, 2016

Mysterious Trumpet Sounds Reported Around the World

Starting in the second half of 2012 and accelerating into 2016, reports have flooded in from hundreds of cities around the world regarding the strange and powerful sounds and mysterious noises emanating from unknown sources. Varying from “midnight roars” and loud booms to industrial drones that seem to permeate the walls of the cities, these sounds have been reported by thousands of people and documented for all to hear. Perhaps the creepiest sound has been the oft-reported omnipresent trumpet horns played in eerie musical patterns. - Source

h/t Spirit Daily 

Yes - it sometimes sounds very much how grown-ups sound 
in a Charlie Brown Special: Mwa-Mwa-Mwa,
only much louder.


  1. I was just wonderin ... do you suppose those glorious trumpets caused the earth to shake in anticipation of the Lord's return?

    1. I saw that - also the one in LA recently. It's weird isn't it?

    2. I saw that - also the one in LA recently. It's weird isn't it?

  2. We've had the strange noises here - sounds like a combination of metal screeching and a very loud brass instrument. It's awful. Nobody can figure out what's causing it.

    1. Strange - and no one knows where it comes from or what it is?

    2. Strange - and no one knows where it comes from or what it is?


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