Wednesday, October 14, 2015

“I said ‘Way to go, Pope Francis. You told us to be honest; we were." - Cardinal Dolan

Good ol' American Cardinal.

This is funny:

"‘Boy, that sounds good to me. If you have a letter to the Pope, count me in.’ And sure enough I signed it.” - Cardinal Dolan Gives the Details On the 'Letter'

And that is exactly why I don't worry.

God bless Cardinal Dolan.

Song for this post here.


  1. Hey, Terry, I just received an announcement from my campus that contains a sexual identity acronym run amok: LGBTQQIAAPF (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning [?!?], Intersex, Asexual, Ally, Pansexual, Fluid). I don't even know what some of these are. Ally? Is that like the side that fought against the Axis powers? I'm offended. They left out my group: heterosexual. I wonder what would happen to me if I protested?

  2. I LOVE Joe Cocker, God rest his soul.

    As for the Synod, and everything for that matter, I just hang on to this: “All shall be well, and all shall be well and all manner of thing shall be well.”
    ― Julian of Norwich

  3. How many times will it take for the properly formed minds of the laptop inquisitors to learn that the Hermeneutic of the Leaked Letter has been shown repeatedly to be unreliable and discontinuous?

    1. Alas, you are right on. Mr. BTM must be wearing egg on his face these days. ;)

  4. I'm glad everyone got this - I'm laughing with Dolan. He just has such a Mid-American twang - I think it's funny. But I am convinced that the Holy Spirit is at work - the discussions are taking place and in the end, all will be well - as Maggie said. Anyway - the synod will work out fine. Problems and troubles are never far from the Church. Praise God.

  5. Sorry Terry but I do not share your admiration for Cardinal Dolan. Under the smiling backslapping persona lurks the mind and heart of a Machiavellian politician. Before being dropped on NY he bankrupted Milwaukee and hide (protected) money to keep out of the hands of victims of priestly abuse. A saintly man he is not a charismatic one undoubtedly.

    1. Oh, oh. I'm not a fan of his - I just think he's doing what he should be doing in this case. I'm not really a fan of any bishop or cardinal - although I love Pope Francis.

  6. It seems to me Jesus was non-judgemental in his ministry except when it came to hypocrites. A person's relationship with God is very personal. Jesus is a human bridge to that Devine being. We cannot know what state any soul is in until we all are witness to the final judgement. I think we will all be surprised at that event. Celeibate churchmen need to get out of people's sex lives. The synod needs to emphasize mercy and acceptance especially toward divorced Catholics. Is that really too much to expect?


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