Tuesday, March 17, 2015

The Cardinal Dolan interview with Michael Voris

Michael Voris said "The Church of nice ain't so nice."

Ah, well.

Song for this post here.

First seen on Eponymous Flower.


  1. It's all about you, Mikey. But don't worry, you have plenty of company.

    1. I just came across a blog post by a religious brother calling the Pope a heretic who twists scripture. I am more scandalized by that stuff.

    2. I just thought he came off really small, but that's the order of things. Kind of like the Fr Z/Rorate Caeli "feud". Really small. Or yesterday, when I was told a dear priest wasn't welcome to say mass at the parish because he's "too difficult" (that is, he actually takes the teachings and traditions of the Church seriously). Really small.

  2. In other news, the weather man went outside during the thunderstorm, and was shocked - shocked, I say! - that he got wet.

  3. Gasp! Don Miguel was strong armed/man handled!

    He seems to have fared well though much like Cardinal Dolan. ^^)

    1. He handled it well. I liked how he said, "I'm walking, I'm walking!" It was very De Nero.

  4. Lol..Terry.as a part Irishman that made my day! What the hell is on that guys head..I keep thinking of Hair spray and there is a bomb under that nest! Way to ruin a party obsessed boy.

  5. Oh and I hope it was a gay cop who "roughed" him up!

    1. You are incorrigible young man.

      I thought he looked pretty good - I like the windblown look - just like Robert Redford.


    2. He has too much hair for his age. When I was 30, my hair was waving....waving goodbye.

    3. Again - Redford - he kept his hair. LOL!

    4. I saw Redford close up at LAX once. He has not aged well. Wrinkles and skinny but the great hair cannot be denied. ^^
      Too lefty for my tastes though, God bless him. ^^

  6. Tip to Michael Voris: in a city like New York, where security is a high priority, do not enter an enclosure that has been erected by NYPD to protect dignitaries with a fake press pass and then try to follow a question and answer with a challenge. Unless, of course, you wanted to get tossed so you could fim your own martyrdom.

    Here is what I think happened. Voris managed to sneak in and prior to this exchange was filming the Cardinal, hoping to get something "scandalous," then when His Eminence was about to leave, jumped in with his question. I think it is unfair to say the Cardinal's response was pathetic - did you really expect him to engage Voris in a debate on a noisy NYC street? I suspect the Cardinal saw who it was and neatly deflected Voris with his answer and walking off, because it was not the appropriate time or place for such a thing.

    And, of course, there is the likelihood that no one wants to give Voris the time of day because he is bat shit crazy. I notice this year he had his religious retreat on a cruise ship before Lent started, since he has gotten criticism for hosting "Lenten Crusies" because nothing says prayer, fasting, and almsgiving than a day of shopping in Cozumel followed by a lovely lobster dinner.

    1. I think you got it Digit. I thought the Cardinal handled it quite well - put on the spot as he was. They can be rough in NYC - they have different version of 'nice' - when you are in the wrong place at the wrong time you can expect to get the bum's rush. Mike pulled it off though - he sounded like a De Nero, "I'm walking (here)! I'm walking!" I love drama.

    2. Digital hit the nail on the head And the Vor-ites are taking the bait as he knew they would.

      I thought the Cardinal reacted remarkably well to this insane oddball with the weird hair asking a completely out of place question (there is a time and a place for everything Mikey, not at St. Paddy's Fun Time Let's all Have a Few and Celebrate Spring and Come Together for Once to Have a Good Time..Parade..) He didn't even side eye him he just acted like he was a street person who ambled in...(which must have burned Mikey's butt...)

      Voris should note that the parade morphed into something other then a celebration of being Irish and Catholic a long time ago. No use closing the barn door when that horse got out even before I was born...(and that is a LOOONNG time ago.)

    3. What does Voris say after he is kicked out? He is saying," We are walking, we are walking ," (where he sounded like a drunk who just got kicked out of a bar..) and turns to say either "Did you film the whole thing?" or something like "You maniacal thing" ?

      Yes, I am a big looser who had to watch that on a loop..we all have our vices.

    4. I think he did say something like that, "Did you get that? Did you get the whole thing?" I think he got what he was looking for.

      Yep - Digit got it right - you don't tell NYPD what to do.

  7. I didn't mind the response considering the situation. Mike takes the TMZ approach in his journalism - I don't think TMZ people would have called out the Cardinal for his response, given the atmosphere.

    As for the eye contact - if you ever watch videos or see photos of JPII greeting people, he almost never had eye contact with them - in fact he always seemed to be looking down the line for the next person or looking at the crowd.

  8. Voris aside, I wish Dolan had not chosen to be grand marshall. Disheartening and sends a wrong message.

    1. I have a feeling Dolan wishes he hadn't committed himself to do it as well.

    2. Evidently, I hit a nerve.


  9. Off topic:



    The big news today is the Cathedral of San Fran hosing down the homeless who sleep or attempt to sleep on their footsteps. Will Mr. V go there and interview the so-called "conservative" pastor of that Cathedral or will he attempt an "interview with the Archbishop S. Cordileone?


    I ask because it smacks of sheer hypocrisy after all the "get the teachers to swear fidelity" before they can teach in the SF archdiocese and also because Papa Francis has given a very specific sermon on how we as Catholics are not to close the doors of the Church.

    I understand what he meant by doors...our hearts. The thought of someone seeking shelter under the roof of God's house and then being doused with water is mind boggling.

    1. On the other hand, it would appear that Archbishop Cordileone has a very impressive personal record of working with the poor and homeless.


      As the article suggests, the Archbishop may have had little or nothing to do with the watering system - it could have been the rector, for example - and it is presumptuous to lay this at his feet. However, if one does, one must also give him credit for his own personal testimony.

    2. No one is laying anything at his feet but well, he is the Archbishop and should clarify as to the why. As we all know, the Church gets smeared enough as it is with shady headlines and assumptions.

      I am sure there is a good reason for it and here's hoping the SF archdiocese clarifies as to why the homeless folk seeking shelter under the roof of the Cathedral are getting doused with water.

    3. I did see that story and I was waiting to comment on it. As Mitchell suggested, I doubt the Archbishop was even aware of the matter. In my archdiocese the Rector is pretty much in charge of operations at the Cathedral - the Archbishop here doesn't reside at the Cathedral rectory - I don't know the situation in San Francisco.

      I have a feeling this is traceable to the city and it's treatment of the homeless as well as possible insurance issues, not to mention sanitation problems. It won't surprise me if Archbishop C initiates a new program or means to care for the homeless who choose the cathedral as a place to spend the night.

      I would bet the Archbishop was as surprised as anybody by this story. It will be cleared up in a jiffy - I'm sure. Sadly, the enemies of Cordilione will run with the story because of his stance on Catholic education and faith and morals.

      Locally, we've had various forms of vandalism at the Cathedral and as I mentioned, the rector and his staff are the ones who handle facility issues.

    4. Sounds reasonable but until it is clarified, a smear campaign and bad pr is the norm. I have seen it happen here on my homefront in the LA archdiocese.
      As far as the homeless goes, my home parish was generous to them until they, the homeless, abused that generosity by defecating in the choir loft, urinating in the poor boxes and someone dragging in a dead cat and laying at at the foot of the altar. Now, am not saying all were to blame but those that did these things were not caught and the innocent payed the price.
      I know, because my sister-in-law's step dad worked the parish council and counted the parish donations and found the poor box soaked in urine more than once.

      Regardless, I do hope Arch. Salvatore does clarify since bad pr is bad pr no matter what. And if he comes up with a program or improves a program already in place, good for him. ^^

    5. It's very difficult helping the homeless - so many have serious mental illness and substance abuse issues, as you know.

    6. Yes, Terry, I know. That is why many times when our Holy Father talks about the homeless, I cannot relate based on our experiences here at home.

      God bless those who help them and are blessed with merciful patience.

      Best I can do is pray for them and donate when I am able. ^^


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