Sunday, October 12, 2014

Synod Chat: The plight of the working single parent ...


  1. "Three hundred dollar dress on a wire hanger? No wire hangers, EVERRRRR!"

    There is seriously something wrong with us. I haven't seen that movie in years.

    I don't know what's going to come out of this synod but I think the train left the station on marriage and divorce long ago. I think we see the fruits of this now. I hope Cardinal Burke and voices like his prevail in this matter.

    1. I was trying to think of films with single parents - Mommie Dearest, Paper Moon, Mrs. Doubtfire, and Mermaids were the only ones that came to mind.

      The greatest influence on culture in modern times hasn't been the Church or academia - it's been media.

      I hope voices like Cardinal Burke prevail too.

  2. Remember that Synods are like mini-councils and called when people aren't following Church teaching. My expectation is that they just reiterate what the Church actually teaches.

    1. I hope you are right Nan. But there is an awful lot of consternation and hand-wringing going on, most of which I do my utmost to ignore.


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