Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Stormy Weather: Lightning Zaps Baptist Church Pianist...

"The injuries were described as minor, 
but honey, I sho ain't playin' 'lectric piano, no mo!"

BRUNSWICK COUNTY, N.C. — Lightning struck a North Carolina church in the middle of a church service, zapping the piano player. - Read more here.

"It changed everything!"


  1. One lucky lady...I hope she was playing, "Let the Fire Fall' when that thunderbolt struck. ^^ Baptised in water and now by the purest and most powerful of light. God bless her and the congregation. ^^)

  2. Yaya - I just posted the photos for fun - not sure if the pianist was male or female. The top photo is Jo Ann Castle - a pianist who used to be on television.

    1. Well, those photos are great and had me smiling as I tried my best to hope it was a she. ^^ But regardless, whoever was playing the piano, I hope they filled right up like the burning bush and forever drawn unto the Lord of Lords.

      Haha...thanks, Terry. I just finished watching a great series, Fargo...I recommend it. Not to be off topic but despite the heavy burdens of our beloved world, we gotta have a little entertainment too to lighten our load .

  3. Just discovered your blog and love it! I'm also from Minnesota, did you enjoy that huge thunderstorm we just had?

    1. Hi - welcome! I have enjoyed the storms - looks as if another is on the way. My rain gauge went to 4" this morning.


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