Saturday, December 08, 2012

What? It's still the first week of Advent and you're putting up the creche?

Oh the humanity! 

First the holiday Christmas trees go up, and now the creche?  It's still the first week of Advent.

Ho! Ho! Ho!

Pope Benedict said it's okay.
Following a beautiful and firmly-rooted tradition, many families set up their Crib immediately after the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, as if to relive with Mary those days full of trepidation that preceded the birth of Jesus. Putting up the Crib at home can be a simple but effective way of presenting faith, to pass it on to one's children.
The Crib helps us contemplate the mystery of God's love that was revealed in the poverty and simplicity of the Bethlehem Grotto. St Francis of Assisi was so taken by the mystery of the Incarnation that he wanted to present it anew at Greccio in the living Nativity scene, thus beginning an old, popular tradition that still retains its value for evangelization today.
Indeed, the Crib can help us understand the secret of the true Christmas because it speaks of the humility and merciful goodness of Christ, who "though he was rich he made himself poor" for us (II Cor 8: 9).
His poverty enriches those who embrace it and Christmas brings joy and peace to those who, like the shepherds in Bethlehem, accept the Angel's words: "Let this be a sign to you: in a manger you will find an infant wrapped in swaddling clothes" (Lk 2: 12). This is still the sign for us too, men and women of the third millennium. There is no other Christmas. - Source
The big, big question remains:  Were there poodles at the Nativity.*

*Last night I drove by a house and noticed one of the lighted reindeer lost its antlers, and it actually resembled a poodle.  I wanted to call someone and report it, but wasn't sure who.

Feel free to dissent
on this one.


  1. No dissent from me.

    I won't put mine up until the 15th or so, but that's merely practical as I leave my tree and creche up until the Epiphany and I can't handle 6 weeks of Christmas decor. I see no problem with putting it up now. It's a nice way for some people to keep focused.

    We spend way too much time worrying about what other people are doing - or not doing.

    1. The week between Thanksgiving and the first Sunday of Advent, and still grumbling to myself stores were open on Thanksgiving, I had to run out to Galleria to return something at Pottery Barn. Pottery Barn had the Christmas music playing - which I loved - but the store was literally over staffed with overly friendly sales associates - this in mid-week. Everyone greeted me and I was in a quiet 'leave-me-alone-mood' - not really shopping - just looking - and I hate to shop anyway. I just wanted to be left alone and enjoy the Christmas merchandise and music and go through the store unnoticed - like Garbo.

      I noticed what looked like Corporate moving about the store in unison, being directed and shown presentation islands by sale people here and there: "That's why everyone is here!" I said to myself.

      As I was nearing the end of my trek through the store I ran into the Store Manager who asked me if I had been helped - I laughed, told her my story, and she confirmed - 'yep - it was their seasonal opening and corporate was indeed there. I thanked her for the fun time, excellent service, wonderful music and service and wished her Happy Holidays.

      I went into the store a grump and left in a wonderful mood. I reflected how negative we religious people come off when Christmas isn't observed according to our liturgical calendars. I repented for having been such a Scrooge to those sales associates who were doing their very best to make people feel welcome and enjoy their visit.

  2. Adopt-a-poodle? The Humane Society? The Society against abuse of plastic decorations?

  3. I put my creche up yesterday, which is later than usual, as I typically put it out the weekend of Thanksgiving - sue me! lol Sodak the Cat has yet to be spotted adoring the creche, as is his habit, but the holidays are tough around here this year so maybe he's not in the mood.

    I'm sure there were rabbits at the original Nativity.

    I thought you always went out in public not wanting to be spotted? What?

    Cathy of Alex

    1. Cathy! Is that you? Oh Cathy! Cathy!

  4. Yes,there were poodles at the Nativity.The most beautiful of all dogs.


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