Sunday, December 30, 2012

6th Day of Christmas, Feast of the Holy Family

In our times, could there be any more important feast within the Octave of Christmas than the feast of The Holy Family?

Heaven proclaims that children need a dad and a mom.  Children desperately need a stable family - moms and dads who are married and stay married to one another.  Fathers are critical to the family and the proper upbringing of children - if it were not so, the Father would not have given St. Joseph to Our Lady and Jesus.

Jesus, Mary and Joseph, defend and protect the family.

1 comment:

  1. Amen! I was just reading an article about surrogate parenting where westerners are paying poor women in the third world to carry their children. Talk about the exploitation of women! I wonder how many are forced into it by surrogacy's equivalent of the pimp.

    Jesus, please restore respect for life and for the nuclear family. Save us from the scourges of divorce, in vitro fertilization, surrogacy, and other abuses against the family.


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