Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Some more stuff people don't know about me...

Abridged version.
One of my favorite female performers and singers is Miss Piggy.  Seriously.
I'm devoted to John Paul II but I have trouble with the "Great" title - oy - and all that writing!
I can sing like Jack Jones - sort of a lounge singer to the unsophisticated -  but I can't play piano.  I'm especially good with the Love Boat theme, and surprisingly, I can take popular songs - rock, soul, hip-hop, what have you, and do it in a lounge singer manner - and it's danceable.  (Yes I can Mary J. Blige.)
I love Blessed Teresa of Calcutta but I get tired of hearing about her all of the time.  Gosh!  We know already!
I'm really handy around the house - like I can fix things.
I admire Scott Hahn.
Oh!  Oh!  Of all the people alive in the world today whom I believe is really great and a saint, it is Pope Benedict XVI - he outshines any saint or pope of the 20th century.  (Except for Pius X and Pius XII of course.)
Anyway - this is filler.  I'll be at adoration today - pray for me that I will not put up any barriers to the love that comes to us in Jesus Christ.  I will be praying for all of you too - by name - especially you!  (If you felt that - you know who you are.)


  1. Anonymous12:35 AM

    I respect your opinion about Pope Benedect XVI, and I admire him greatly, but do you really think he outshines even St. Pius X and Pius XII?

  2. That Padre Pio guy gets talked about a lot too, ever notice?

    Pope John Paul II won't ever really be "the Great" because he had too big of a carbon footprint - all that travelling! Yikes!

  3. I admire Scott Hahn, too. It was his book, Rome Sweet Rome, that got me thinking I could actually do this conversion thing...and the rest is history.

  4. Anonymous9:22 AM

    I'm glad I'm not alone with this: "love Blessed Teresa of Calcutta but I get tired of hearing about her all of the time. Gosh! We know already!"

    I feel the same about the Little Flower and Pope John Paul II. Nothing against them, of course; in fact, it has nothing to do with them--only the cult surrounding them. I feel guilty for saying it, but it's annoying.

    I also agree about Pope Benedict XVI. Completely.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Anonymous - big gulp here - I wasn't thinking was I. I forgot about Pius X and Pius XII - so no - I have to take that back - but I think he will be right up there with them.

    This post was meant to be shallow anyway. :D

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Also - even though this post is meant to be shallow - everything is true - I think I only sound like Jack Jones to myself Belinda.

  9. Anonymous1:09 PM

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  10. Belinda - I know! I'm just jumping on the Terry's shallow bandwagon.

  11. Thanks, Terry.


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