Sunday, August 16, 2009

Not the Assumption

I haven't registered or applied for clearance to comment at Fr. Z's - but he posted this image as an image of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin - it is not. It is St. Mary Magdalen in ecstasy.


  1. Woopsy! Always preferred your blog to the make it difficult to sign in types!

  2. Oh that's interesting. I saw this painting and thought it didn't look like Mary somehow.

  3. Like Dymhna, I thought it didn't look quite like our Mother too. But I figured it must be since she's surrounded by those awful cherubs. What artist decided that angels of the Lord should be depicted as fat naked babies anyway?!

  4. this was very nice to see all those paintings all those are very interesting.

  5. I like fat babies but this had to be a man's creation. A woman would know that two year olds with wings is a dangerous thing.


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