Monday, June 09, 2008

I'm on Facebook.

I'm on Facebook now - I have no idea why. I suppose this confirms that I am indeed a narcissist, seeking approval and affirmation from strangers.


  1. I got your invite, BTW! LOL!

  2. Anonymous9:43 PM

    Good job----you got far on your page. I listed you as a friend.

  3. Ok - so I'm on Facebook too and I also have no idea of why. Half the time I can't figure out if I'm on my page or someone elses. I think it may be the anti-Christ.

  4. Anonymous1:54 AM

    Haha! I'm on facebook too...and also don't know why -- I keep getting all kinds of alerts there that I have no idea what they are! Anyhoo, I just added you as a friend, Ter. :-)

  5. I just signed up to to see some pictures once. Glad you did it, though. I started looking around and found some very disturbing information on someone I know. ( No, not you. I already know you're disturbed. )

  6. this photo... oh, the tears. The laughter.

    I dance with my cat. I'm also clinically insane.

  7. That young man looks like he's strained something.

  8. I agree with Adrienne. I joined Facebook to keep tabs on Terry.

    But I spend five times as much times being polite to people (nothing wrong with that) and responding to them than I do maintaining Stella Borealis.

    I'm going to have to learn some discipline. After __ years, that's going to be difficult.

  9. Jeffrey Smith: Yeah, we all know that about Terry!

    Terry: You are far too modest, I still think that was one of your best performance art pieces ever.

  10. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Please disregard that I said "good job" above. I was on facebook for 48 hours and then de-activated my account---


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