Sunday, June 22, 2008

Some advice.

This may apply to some com-box debates that go on as well.

"One strong recommendation, never engage the devil in conversation. I mean never. If you must tell the devil to depart; if you want the devil to go, you know where, tell him, but never engage him in what could even be interpreted as a friendly conversation. I have had enough experience of people foolish enough to engage in conversation with the devil who have suffered disastrous consequences as a result." - Source


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  3. good advice from fr hardon

    good characterizations of the devil

    BE GONE, Satan! in the name of Jesus -Amen

  4. Belinda - Jesus has conquered the evil one - trust in Jesus - you haven't screwed up. Jesus understands little children when they yell stuff out - he protects you and keeps you safe. Pray and don't worry, as Padre Pio liked to say - and hold onto your rosary.

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  6. Oh, Terry, pay no mind to fools. I enjoy your blogs and besides, blogs should be done for one's own pleasure and satisfaction.

  7. That last comment is good advice for you, yourself, Terry.

  8. Thanks Terry - very timely and greatly appreciated...

    And I will be linking to this, as well as highlighting a few passages.

  9. Anonymous12:23 AM

    Sage advice, indeed!! And something I have still to learn, even after all these many, many years.


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