Saturday, December 24, 2022

Merry Christmas!

Il presepe di Cuciniello - Museo della Certosa di San Martino a Napoli.
FMR Magazine, Dicembre 1982. Photo by Massimo Listri

Wishing all of you a very Merry Christmas!  


  1. Replies
    1. Typo! Out of practice. (>x<)

      Merry Christmas to you Terry and to all your visitors! God's blessings be upon you all in the coming New Year. Hope to visit you once again ^^)

    2. Merry Christmas Yaya! I missed you!

    3. Hi Terry, Lots has happened since I was last on here. Some happy, some very sad. I will share as time allows. I am still looking after my mother. She is still somewhat independent but memory is less than once it was. I am glad you are still around as I have missed you too and those who are regular visitors such as Mr. WH. ^^

  2. Merry Christmas, dear Terry. Wondering if you have read the Robert Ellsberg book about his correspondence with Sister Wendy. Can't put it down. She was a big fan of Pope Francis.

    1. Julie - haven't read it yet - I've read excerpts. I really liked her and have discovered many spiritual treasure in her writings. Merry Christmas!

  3. Merry Christmas to all. Yaya welcome back!


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