Monday, September 19, 2022

In paradisum deducant te angeli...


"May the angels lead you into paradise; may the martyrs receive you at your arrival and lead you to the holy city Jerusalem. May choirs of angels receive you and with Lazarus, once poor, may you have eternal rest."


  1. She was a good, decent, moral, hard-working woman. Her devotion to her family and country is rare these days.

    What a beautiful photo - she was a real stunner as a young woman.

  2. May she Rest In Peace. What a life she lead. We will not, I dare say, see another which can compare. Of course we saw one side, her public persona. Clearly her children loved and respected her in their private life as well. Her life as Queen is intertwined with a long complex history. My roots are British. My father and maternal grandparents immigrants. I still have first cousins there who I visit and communicate with. My son and daughter-in-law live there. In my house growing up we had memorabilia of coronations going back to Elizabeth’s grandparents. The monarchy was respected but not loved. The age old religious intolerance was still remembered. Elizabeth seems to have bridged those conflicts. I noticed the Cardinal of Westminster did a reading and prayer at the Abbey. Her sincere rapprochement with the Republic of Ireland, where her speech was contrite and inspirational changed the course of history. She crossed the street from the Anglican Cathedral to the Roman Catholic which was a stunning gesture. In so many ways she brought the UK into the 21st Century. Hard to imagine her gone. I hope Charles can build on her accomplishments. Her example provides an example and hope for us all.

    1. I found a coronation doll at a thrift store several eyars ago; the person who bought it taped a little note to the doll's foot with the date and "bought it myself" and I imagined a small girl using her stash of pennies. I also found a scarf with Edwrd on it but can't remember if it said "King." It seemed rayon and prolly a cheap souvenir like the doll. That's the extent of my British Royal memrabilia. I do have a framed cabinet photo that we think is Nicholas II as Tsarevich.


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