Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Aiding and Abetting


  1. These stories tear me apart inside. Racism in so many ways is worse than it ever was. It is an unwritten crime to be a young black man in America. But it is nothing new. This has been happening since the first black man was brought tot this country. It is only cell phones that has brought it out into the open.

    The cops who killed George Floyd In cold blood certainly weren’t concerned about social distancing, were they? Even a pandemic can’t stop hate and racism.

    1. They keep playing the video and the voice of Mr. Floyd begging the officer... The woman who called the police in the park used the oldest trick in the book to take revenge - lying - she endangered the man's life she claimed was threatening her. She should be charged for making an unnecessary 911 call, and faking a crime.

  2. It’s complicated. Still right and wrong are obvious. Police walk into some of the most dangerous situations with inadequate training and personal bias & expected to be flawless. This past week has seen at least three street brawls that have large numbers of people attacking each other. Police are running around pulling people apart. No masks no social distancing on the part of civilians. No regard for anyone. I see it as a failure of community leaders. Politicians, ministers, & anyone with influence needs to be proactively out there before there is a problem not after. As for the NYC princess she & her attitude of entitlement is rampant too. Why throw away your reputation & career when you just have to put the leach on your dog? I do not get it.

    1. I can't believe the people on FB defending the Central Park woman. In the MPLS case, there were two other cops holding down the victim, they are not on camera. If he was trashing it was probably because he was trying to get a breath. The cop with the knee on his throat is responsible for his death. The entire videon demonstrates that Floyd was cooperative. Now I know why black people who walk by my house ignore me - they can't trust white people.


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