Saturday, April 11, 2020

The Solitude of Holy Saturday, In Time of Pandemic

Nuestra Senora de la Soledad de Manilla

When someone dies,
they leave an empty space in our lives.
If we go to the cemetery to find them,
we only encounter the silence
of the grave ...

He is not here ...

Did you not know
He must be about His Father's business?

He is not here ...

Why do you look for the living among the dead?
He has gone down to his garden,
to the beds of spices,
To feed in the gardens
and to gather lilies...

My Father is at work until now, so I am at work.
do not awaken or stir up love
until it is ready!

He is not here ...

For Love is strong as Death,
longing is fierce as Sheol.
Its arrows are arrows of fire,
flames of the divine.

He is not here ...

Return, my lover,
be like a gazelle or a young stag
upon the mountains of spices.

Deep waters cannot quench love,
nor rivers sweep it away.

Wait ... be stouthearted
and wait for the Lord.


  1. I received an Easter miracle - my priest called me and invited me to the Vigil tonight. I think there will be 6 of us. To say I am thankful - and humbled - is an understatement. Wishing you and all your readers a happy and holy Easter, Terry.

  2. Stouthearted it is. Thank you, Terry, and Happy Easter from Monterey.


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