Thursday, January 24, 2019

Imagine that: Celebrating the NY “Reproductive Health Act"

The One World Trade Center was lit up pink Tuesday night to celebrate the passage of a bill by the New York state legislature that legalizes abortion through the ninth month of pregnancy while rolling back protections for babies born alive after a botched abortion. - AveMaria

Imagine that!

This makes me very sad. It's almost unbelievable to me - those of us who are against the death penalty could possibly approve of killing a child in the womb? Aborting a pregnancy up to 9 months? That is legal infanticide. A country searching for life on Mars kills living infants in the womb.

I think it portentous that the tower, which itself is a sort of memorial to those who died on 9/11, is used to celebrate such a heinous law, legalizing infanticide. It is absolutely ludicrous to allow non-licensed 'doctors' to perform abortions - it exposes the lie of 'safe and rare' claims of pro-choice advocates.


  1. "A country searching for life on Mars kills living infants in the womb." That sums it up right there on the messed up priorities of our so-called civilization.

    1. Pink? Why not the true color, red?

      I read New York has the highest number of abortions in the USA, so red suits them better.

  2. “A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself within” ~ Will Durant.

  3. I live in NYC and I am ashamed. Interestingly, this story has not gotten a lot of play in local news. Even as they "celebrate" this new law, I think deep down they know it is evil.

    This truly in infanticide, straight from Satan himself. It is an evil beyond comprehension. And yes, NYC is the abortion capital of the United States. There were 93,000 surgical abortions in NYC last year, or 28% of all pregnancies. But that is down from our all time high of 128,000 in 2007, or 33% of all pregnancies. In the Black community, 3 out of every 5 babies conceived are aborted.

    I really don't think there are less abortions. I don't think they count those abortions induced by the abortion pill. That is so convenient: just go home, take a pill and flush your baby down the toilet.

    With this new abortion law, things are only going to get worse.

    God have mercy on us all.

  4. Those of us who are pro-life support the Catholic doctrine of defense of human life from conception to natural death. Many of the anti-life people accuse us of only focusing on abortion, which is a tired and inaccurate bit of propaganda. But you are right, Terry. Those who are against the death penalty ought to be just as committed to protecting human life from conception. This is tragic, and worse - like all the non-negotiables of Catholic teaching (abortion, euthanasia, human cloning, embryonic stem cell research, and homosexual "marriage") - it attacks the family, which by extension attacks the Church, and worst of all, it is a grave offense against God. Susan, OFS

  5. I've seen numerous comments online defending this bill. One poster used the example of a baby developing without a vital organ and since the baby was going to die anyway shortly after he was born that abortion is OK in that case because you don't want the baby to suffer. The fact is that when people use that excuse they are really saying *they* don't want to suffer. Never mind the baby is going to be torn apart on the way out. I don't always support Fr. Pavone's methods but when he says "America will not reject abortion until America sees abortion" he has a point!
    Another "brilliant" comment I read was that "nobody will have an abortion at 39 weeks, nobody would wait that long to make that decision." Wanna bet? Even if nobody did that it's the top of the slippery slope and it's a hella steep slope and it opens the door to pushing the limits. Remember when euthanasia was made legal in Belgium and Holland? It was only going to be in select and rare cases for the terminally ill. In maybe 20 years those boundaries quickly shifted to include the depressed and babies and small children. St. Paul, pray for us!

    1. Well stated, Angela. Your comparison to euthanasia in Belgium and Holland (and, tragically, in Canada, a country I had long admired), is particularly appropriate. There is absolutely no good that will come from this law.

      I find it very distressing that the Bishop of Covington immediately, publicly, reprimanded the Covington Catholic HS boys - relying on erroneous and incomplete facts, and without having privately approached the boys and their parents. But it seems that Andrew Cuomo, Nancy Pelosi, various Kennedys, and others of their ilk who use their political position to attack the doctrine of the Church while proclaiming their allegiance to the Church, are given a pass. As are prominent celebrities. These individuals, indeed, are often honored and celebrated by the hierarchy. I have yet to hear a public rebuke and correction from any bishop to these people, who mold American politics and culture into something immoral.

      I believe in my Church and I do my very best to live my Faith, while respecting the clergy and hierarchy. But this discrepancy, where it is necessary to scold and humiliate lowly Catholic schoolboys (who, in my view, conducted themselves well, particularly Nicholas Sandmann) - and to tolerate and seemingly admire those who have betrayed their Faith by promoting abortion, euthanasia, embryonic stem cell research, human cloning, and homosexual "marriage" - is impossible for me to justify.

      St. Francis of Assisi, St. John Vianney, and St. Thomas More - pray for us.

      Susan, OFS

    2. Well said Susan but there is one Bishop who questioned Cuomo's faith:

      Bishop of Albany Edward B. Scharfenberger, questioned if supporting and signing this law could impact Cuomo’s standing in the Catholic Church and ability to receive communion. “This legislation threatens to rupture the communion between the Catholic faith and those who support the RHA even while professing to follow the Church, something that troubles me greatly as a pastor,” wrote Scharfenberger.

      In an open letter to the governor, Scharfenberger highlighted Cuomo’s apparent inconsistencies when referencing his Catholic faith.

      “Although in your recent State of the State address you cited your Catholic faith and said we should ‘stand with Pope Francis,’ your advocacy of extreme abortion legislation is completely contrary to the teachings of our pope and our Church,” Scharfenberger wrote."

      Taken from the CNA website.

      I believe that with all the headlines regarding the clergy sexual abuse in New York and elsewhere, perhaps our bishops feel compromised?

      Bishop Robert Barron said that the one thing that the had crippled the Catholic Church in America as a result of the widespread clergy sex scandal is her ability to evangelize without compromise. Her credibility has been severely wounded thus, in my opinion, the milquetoast response.

      I remain hopeful though because death does not have the final word.

      Viva Cristo Rey!

    3. Thank you so much for clarifying about Bishop Scharfenberger. It is heartening to know that some bishops expect the faithful to be faithful, and who are concerned with the health of the souls in their care, and the example set by them.

      You are so right - death does not have the final word. And the gates of hell will not prevail against the Church. God will not abandon us. But I think the faithful need to be prepared to defend the teaching of the Church, and our fellow Catholics. It seems to be getting more difficult to be openly faithful in our society without being attacked.

      Peace to all here - Susan, OFS

  6. As a New Yorker who never voted for Cuomo I can tell you he is a chameleon on every issue. He oversees a corrupt administration. He is just like Trump. Coincidently both comes out of Queens with deep long connections to the Mob. He will do anything to court his perceived base. Problem is, just like Trump, he cannot do it alone. There is a legislature that collides with them both. Cuomo lives with his girlfriend yet professes family values. He brags and bullies. If pride precedes the fall both men will have a comeupence. The Church has little influence here right now. Every diocese in this State has major ethical issues of their own; including Albany. Within the past month a Jesuit Principal of a prestigious boys school was exposed as impregnating a teenage girl and facilitating an abortion. That was in the 1950’s when all the laws outlawing it were in full force. Not a hopeful picture here. Thank God for the faithful who now ignore them all and live a Christian life as best they can.


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