Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Readers ask: "Who is Hillary White?"

She looks nice.

I answer, "She's friends with Steve Skojec."*

Actually she has a wide circle of friends, a sort of who's who in the Traditionalist-Restorationist faction of Catholics-not-yet-in-schism.  She used to write for LifeSiteNews and now contributes to The Remnant.  I wrote about her Remnant article yesterday.  She was writing about the continuity of the Ratzinger and Bergoglio papacy.  Most Catholics refer to the pontiffs as Pope Benedict and Pope Francis respectively, as well as respectfully.  Ms. White and others in her network seem to have dispensed with such expressions of honor and respect.

That said, for the curious who would like to know who she is, the following is her 'About me' bio:

Hilary White is an Anglo-Canadian, who started researching, writing and lobbying in the political end of the pro-life movement in 1999, moved to Rome in 2008 and covered Vatican and European news related to "life and family issues" from a Catholic perspective until May 2015. She lived for two blessed years with her three cats and garden in the Peaceable Kingdom of Norcia, in Umbria, until the terrible day when the world fell down. Now transferred to a farm house near Perugia, with a bit of land and a large tomato patch, she continues to chant Vespers in Latin every day, and refuses to go to Rome for any reason whatsoever. She hopes the world does not end before she can get the last of the tomatoes in. -  Hillary White

*She also has connections in the Vatican...

Hi Poodle!


  1. She also runs a blog named "What's up with Francis-church", which uses the execrable "red pill / blue pill" metaphor to defend her own peculiar brand of not-Sedevacantism. I'd point out the irony of a not-Sedevacantist using an image from a film by two trans women to bash the Church, but my Southern chivalry keeps me from doing so... =)

  2. JMJ

    "She follows Enbrethiliel on Twitter."

    (But both @Enbrethiliel and her old Ĺ“HilarityJane66 accounts are no longer active.)

  3. She looks nice...! What? I said the same about Gina Cheri Haspel when I first saw her official photo.....she looks nice.....LOL!

    Bye.....I hear her now coming down the hall.....

    1. I'm being sarcastic.

    2. I should have said 'facetious' not sarcastic.

  4. I am more convinced then ever that anyone can develop a following with any kind of crazy thought or theory. God bless her. She loves tomatoes. So do I. There we have something in common. She must be onto something. I'll have to check her out. That seems to be the level of critical thinking today. Yes, I agree she does look nice. That kind can be deadly too.

  5. Hillary is a wonderful woman. I know her through our connection to the Monasterio San Benedetto in Norcia. She's not a nutcase by any stretch of the imagination. She's very bright, very prayerful, and dare I say, very holy (although she would deny it). I have found her writings useful in that she seems to say the things most people are thinking, but dare not say. She's courageous for that reason. More people should read her writings. God bless Hillary White!

    1. very prayerful? Yeah I like the example the monks and Hillary set when one of the Monk chastised and yelled at the city folk to get down on their knees and pray the Rosary with them in the city square during a small earthquake...problem with that is that Hillary was on her knees texting on her phone at the time during the Rosary...The monk should have turned around and slap the phone out of Hillary's please...

    2. Judge not lest ye be judged. Maybe she was texting family and friends to let them know that she was ok. Earthquakes are scary things. I know if one struck where I live, and I were praying the rosary, and a family member texted me wondering if I were ok, I'd probably text them back. You shouldn't be so judgmental.

    3. "Judge not lest ye be judged"

      Wah??? And yet you yourself, have judged our Holy Father Francis to be wicked.

      To quote:
      "I do however lose my peace over a wicked Pope like Francis. I believe he is wicked, and that his wickedness will eventually be exposed."

      By whose authority do you make these outlandish claims? Oh, wait! Yours and nothing more.

  6. Aloysius. I don't know her except from her writing and association with personalities such as Skojec and that faction, which includes The Remnant and some really crackpot pundits. Her latest article and blog post is well written, well researched, and quite accurate as to the resume of Benedict. What is wrong about it is depicting Pope Benedict and VII as wicked and corrupt. The title of the article is offensive, suggesting Benedict betrayed the faithful. It's the spin she gives to the story that is wrong and divisive, almost to the point of schism.

    Of course Pope Benedict and his immediate predecessor sought to implement the reforms of Vatican II. Ratzinger was a peritus at VII, he devoted his life to the Church and the reforms. The Summorum wasn't intended to replace the EF form of Mass, nor a call to reject the Council. So if these people feel 'betrayed' they were working on a false premise. As Hilary suggests, it is a movement, a faction and she gave it a name - Traditionalist-Restorationist. The rejection of the Franciscan papacy leads to the rejection of the Benedictine papacy, and the rejection of VII and the Conciliar popes. They are heading towards sedevacantism - like Ann Barnhardt and Verrechio, or schism - like the SSPX. This happened after Vatican I which resulted in the "Old Catholic" church - which today is as splintered as Protestantism.

    I am no expert - to be sure - but I've watched this stuff develop since my return to the sacraments in 1972. I don't need to be right, I don't need to be agreed with, and what I have to say has no impact on what these folks are saying or doing. So do not lose your peace over what amounts to my isolated opinion.

    1. Oh, I'm not losing my peace over your opinion. I do however lose my peace over a wicked Pope like Francis. I believe he is wicked, and that his wickedness will eventually be exposed. Regarding the letter from Pope Benedict - when the doctored and incomplete version came out, I felt very betrayed by him. Turns out it was fake news perpetrated by the liars who work for Francis. Turns out it wasn't a betrayal by Pope Benedict at all, but rather a betrayal at the hands of Vatican cronies who will stop at nothing to twist the words of Pope Benedict to make it appear that he is saying something he is not. They must really be desperate to gain the approval of Catholics for Francis (which is waning VERY FAST) in order to use and abuse Pope Benedict like this. I have since gotten over the betrayal I felt when the doctored letter made its appearance. I again have a warm feeling toward Pope Benedict - although there is still a tinge of a feeling of betrayal for his abandonment of the flock when he abdicated. Regarding what Hillary wrote, I will agree that it was maybe a bit premature and a bit over the top in the condemnations of Pope Benedict. I usually agree with the "crackpots" you speak of above, but I think in their exasperation regarding Francis and the confusion, false teaching, and dictatorial manner of leading, that they are over correcting. Yes, I agree there are major problems with VII - especially the parts that contradict previous councils. But I think blaming it all on Benedict is over the top. I pray that soon all of this confusion will come to an end and we will have a Pope on the Throne of Peter is who Catholic in every possible sense of the word.

    2. Though we disagree, I think you have your head on right then. You of course know I do not think Francis is wicked, nor is Benedict. A friend shared a thought with me, imagine, or ponder what Our Lady felt when her son was rejected and made a fool of. When people wanted to throw him over the brow of the hill, when relatives said he was insane, when others said he was possessed. I think about that very much. Now when Lent is ending and Passiontide is soon here - at the end all the disciples abandoned him. Our faith is rather raw these days.

  7. Look! Pope Francis is waving to me!

    1. I know! It brought tears to my eyes. You are so special.


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