Sunday, December 11, 2016

Snow in Minneapolis

Him like snow!

It looks like 10" in my backyard looking at the little hats on the garden figures ... but the stairs indicate it is only about 7".  I love it and can't wait to get out to remove it and make little paths for the rabbits.

Dogs love snow too.  They love to play in it and roll around, and, and, bark.

Look Dick!

See Spot!

Spot play!

Him like!


  1. Whoa! Snow in Minneapolis? There's something new, noteworthy, and completely unexpected. Have fun!

    1. I will be barking and running and rolling down the hill. BTW - have you seen any cardinals yet?

  2. Why do you suppose there's no protest this week? What?

    1. Protest over what? Anyway - there is a lot protesters online - read the comments.

      I just came in from removing snow - I'm just like Matthew in Ann of Green Gables.

    2. Protest over the weather!

    3. Oh no! I love it - I was outside removing - or just moving - snow. I was like the pooch in the top photo.

    4. Complete with ball in mouth?


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