Saturday, September 10, 2016

Country Church Fair

The Seventh Day Adventist church across the street ...

They are having some sort of fair today.  They have a band - electric piano, guitars and synthesizer.  They are playing country music and hymns.  Loud.  It's torture.  They play the same hymns Catholics do - that Haas - Gather Us In crap.  Mixed in with Grand ole-ole-ole Opry style songs, like Minnie Pearl would sing.

Horn!  Horn!  HORN!


  1. When did it turn into a 7th day church?

    1. Originally it was Lutheran - but since I moved in it's been 7th Day - the Ethiopians used it on Sundays for awhile until they got their own church. Now the Evangelical Latinos bought it and will soon move in.

      I grew up Catholic - Gregorian chant and so on - in 2nd grade no less, we rehearsed Greg. chant - specifically the Mass of Our Lady. I never ever liked American Protestant anything - but church music is the worst.

      Oddly enough - I stayed for Mass after confession in another parish, and the music was like a piano bar - the pianist was really good, and post communion was a Josh Groban song - I made it through and was able to make my thanksgiving without paying attention to the music. It becomes white noise for me, I may not have consolation in prayer, but I'm content after communion - no matter what. Praise God.

  2. "Adaptive Sound Technologies - Sound+Sleep, Sleep Therapy System": Amazon- I got mine about a year ago, & would be in really bad shape with it. Expensive but totally worth it. Noise as you describe is horribly stressful.


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