Thursday, March 31, 2016

I neglected to get my flu shot this year ...


  1. I remember that scene. All I remember thinking was, "his Lordship is one lucky fellow." First, that he did not choke on his own blood and aspirate it. Second, he survived to see another day and to appreciate his wife all the more.

    Terry, stay well! Drink you hot tea with lemon and honey. Eat nuts and berries and stay well hydrated. I have yet to get a flu shot ... don't plan to either.

  2. No flu shot here and I feel like 10 lbs. of garbage in a 5 lb. bag. tea with lemon and honey sounds good! Stay well everyone!

  3. I did not get one either: I remember some years back having the flu: the awful stopping of time: fever: please take care those of you ill ! I was given a "hot toddy" whenever ill like that (the Irish solution to many ills, emotional et al) but today there seems to be evidence that it works on a few levels.
    the hot, hot water: the tea bag: the honey: whiskey: lemon. You will sleep and your body needs it.
    and Ah ! to dream....

  4. Does this mean you are not well?

    1. Yeah - I thought it was a cold but it appears to be the flu. It's all good.

  5. Uh, spoiler alert Terry, some of us are not that far on streaming....

    Hope you get feeling better..always get that flu shot my friend.

    consolata, you are right...there is not a "hot toddy," can't cure, illness, heart aches, pulled muscles or just a crappy day. Though as an adult mine has more bourbon in it then my Mom made it makes you feel like a kid again..almost like having Vics spread all over you chest and with that steam machine thing going...

    1. Alcohol dehydrates you - so it's not as effective as people think. I drink lots of water and ginger drinks from the health food store.

    2. Well aren't you perfect..: ) I bet you say the rosary everyday too!

      Get feeling better bud!

    3. Haha! Seriously, I tried the alcohol route though and it made the symptoms worse.

    4. I dunno: there are days after work when all I want to do is sit in the shower drinking g&t (Tanqueray Rangpur & fever-tree tonic, when I can afford it), and I also consider it a solution to fever of the mind & heart. Bourbon....haven't tried that yet Mack !

  6. Thanks y'all for your concern. It's all good though.

  7. ...there is this other odd experience of illness: that freezing cold feeling within one's core. I don't know what it means....just I hope never to be there again.
    Sure hope you feel much, much better soon Terry ! Naps are so consoling and healing....

    1. I think I've had delirium as well. I have to clean up and go to the store to get nutritious supplies and juice. That should be some trip.

    2. Nutritious supplies and juice? Sounds like a screwdriver to me. What?

    3. Funny. Still so sick I'm afraid of missing Mass tomorrow - so I'm praying to be well enough.

    4. Funny. Still so sick I'm afraid of missing Mass tomorrow - so I'm praying to be well enough.

  8. oh yes that will be very interesting: its hard being sick when alone, isn't it ? Mineral water is good: ice cream: teas: remember bananas are really important: 2-3 a day. Don't forget Urgent Care, it's ok to go. They can help.

  9. Bananas 2 or 3 times a day? Never heard of that. If one tends to be constipated, bananas are to be avoided. If one's Magnesium or Potassium levels are too high, gotta watch the bananas as well. I rend to lean towards moderation ... an apple a day keeps the doctor away ... same goes with bananas ... once a day is sufficient.

    Hoping you'll be up and running by now Terry. Take it easy and have a blessed Divine Mercy Sunday.


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