Look with kindness, O Lord, on these your servants
who, in placing a royal diadem
upon the image of the Mother of your Son,
recognize in your Son the King of the universe,
and invoke, as Queen, the Virgin. - Pope Francis
who, in placing a royal diadem
upon the image of the Mother of your Son,
recognize in your Son the King of the universe,
and invoke, as Queen, the Virgin. - Pope Francis
Pope Leo XIII was the first pope to authorize the Coronation of Our Lady of Guadalupe on October 12, 1895. Pope Francis is the first pope to officiate at the Coronation in person. Several sacred images of Our Lady throughout the world have been canonically crowned, some have been crowned more than once by succeeding popes. Significantly, Salus Populi Romano, the icon Pope Francis visit before and after each Apostolic journey, was crowned by Popes Gregory XVI and Pius XII successively. Since 1987 there are new official rituals for the coronation of the BVM.
“As the wonderful Guadalupana tradition teaches us, la Morenita gathers together those who contemplate her, and reflects the faces of those who find her.”
Who is unable to hear within themselves that voice, ‘am I not here, I who am your Mother’?” - Pope Francis
So far I haven't seen any news footage or reports on television covering the Holy Father's visit. I haven't been watching - but at news time I scan to see if there is anything and I see nothing. I feel very united in prayer nonetheless.
La Morenita is the greatest treasure from our Heavenly Father to the peoples of the Americas. It is she who will continue to bring us to her son, The Lord of Life.
Try watching EWTN ... the Spanish media is doing an excellent job too.
I'll check it out - It seems to me I feel his presence or Our Lady's - not sure - but I can say I feel very united to his prayer. He spoke as a father to the bishops - Our Lady healed the rifts between hierarchy after her appearance to St. Juan Diego - she will do so again. I pray everyone will recognize this time of visitation. Many seem to judge these things by man's standards, and not God's.
DeleteComing for the poor and disenfranchised - seeing them, loving us - that is what Our Lady does. She edifies - strengthens and unites.
We are so blessed!