Monday, October 27, 2014

I still love this ...


  1. Anonymous2:22 PM

    That's funny. I've never seen her before. She just says everything right out loud; you know, all that stuff that most of us think but NEVER say. LOL

    1. I meant to tell you that there are a few rad female bloggers who remind me of this woman. LOL!

  2. You introduced us to Katherine Tate several years ago: thanks !!! I know someone who fits her skits of 'Derek' to the tea !!! And her skits on the Irish Mom who's son JOHN 'is a gay mahn nieow' Thanks !

    1. Nice to hear from you - I was actually thinking of you today - mentioned you in my prayers.

      Anyway - I love the same skits as you do. LOL!

  3. 'Belated' thank yous ! Terry. Oremus pro invicem. You're blog is still my E-panem-quotidianum !


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