Thursday, March 20, 2014

Bill Donohue wants to march in the Gay Pride parade.

I know!

Story here.
Bill Donohue, president of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights, says he has filed an application to march in the New York City Gay Pride Parade this year. - Source
Who am I to judge?

Song for this post here.

"Yeah!  Get one of them
pink Cadillac convertibles,
I wanna sit on top of the back seat."


  1. #Going out to the existential peripheries?

  2. His sign should say "I'm a firm believer in clothing."

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I wish blogger had an editing option! Okay what I ment to say is..

    I don't know Pennyyak...Bill seems to be getting very dramatic with that theatrical flourish of throwing his Guinness hat (which I think he practiced in a mirror for hours.) Little does he know that the only beer company hurt by a straight guy boycott would be Miller and Bud (Lite varieties especially.)

    LOL Nan, I thought the same thing, does Bill know what he is getting into?. But I agree, let em march! "Straight is great!" and I think all of gays agree...I will admit some of my best friends are and they are just like you and me...(except for the love of Miller Lite!)

    I have a feeling the Parade commissioners will take one look at Bill and say, "Ya gonna have any hot straight guys on that float?" Seriously I think they should welcome them to open arms, (no not that way...) everyone wants to have a good time (not that its my cup of tea but I am probably a worse old fogey then Bill is.) It would also let Bill and his crew see that a Pride Parade is no better or no worse then a "straight" weekend in New Orleans, especially during Mardi Gras. A bunch of young dumb kids having fun who will look back on it and be embarrassed.

  5. He could always get a few ringers, like Borat complete with his scary green thing.

    1. If Bill had a clue he would stock pile it with a bunch of drunk rugby players in their shorty shorts. They would definitely get a place in the parade, the boyz would love them, they love the attention, everybody would get along. I have a feeling that is not Bill's idea though...and there's the rub (so to speak.) I see him with a bunch of crabby old men shaking their fists at the crowd. But I say, hey, we love crabby old men too, let em march, it might be good for them. It would be one Gay Parade I would want to actually go to!

      There have been straight grand marshall's and groups marching, so I don't see the problem or the point. As dumb as I think being part of an Irish gay group marching is, the St.Pat's parade has not been in my long years, a "Catholic," reverential parade. Its been a celebration of being Irish which has been quite secular and quite political. Much ado about nothing with both sides being asses about it.

  6. I actually think this is a great idea. Not much likelihood that they will allow him to march, but I think he is making a great point.

    1. His point is very well made.

      I personally dislike parades - even as a kid. I never liked the circus either - or zoos. I always felt sorry for the animals.

    2. Apparently Pride organizers are happy to have Catholic League march.

    3. Now its up to you Bill! (I think its funny that he is so out of touch that he doesn't realize that straight people have been participating for years...)

  7. I'm hoping he goes in leather drag with an Opus Dei leg clamp thingy. Maybe some arrows so he looks like Sebastian.

    1. That's just what Rush Limbaugh said..

    2. lol.

      It's moot now, anyway. He pulled out. He's such an attention whore.

    3. LOL..I knew he would..and he has pie on his face (I mean how was the poor guy to know that gay pride parades always have straight people in them???) as everyone laughs at him as he tries his hardest to spin it...saying that the whole point was to see how far it would go until they started giving him rules (uh right Bill) and they wanted him to attend a .."gay training sessions which THEY call information sessions!" LOL Bill, first, no one has ever told me that there were actual gay "training," sessions and every event, parade, fundraiser, etc, has info sessions to let everyone know what to expect, procedures, etc.

      Let's see who well his boycott of Guinness goes as he drums up an imaginary war on Catholics from the beer distributer. If there are any real member in the CL, they need to move him aside and have someone who is not a clown in charge.


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