Wednesday, October 02, 2013

Guardian Angels...

I wish mine would whisk me away... ' I would fly away and find rest...' - Psalm 55

' Set me free from my prison, that I may praise your name...' - Psalm 142


  1. I am going to ask my holy Guardian Angel to help me give up on visiting/reading Catholic blogs...especially toxic ones. I could name them but I will just shut up.

    I am a person who despite the many challenges in life, is filled with hope and with joy. Granted I know darkness too as it is ever before me. But the Lord delivered me and rescued me from sure death...spiritual death.

    Now, thanks to my ever faithful companion, who looks upon the Lord while I cannot, I want my ears, my heart, wide open to hear the clarion call to conversion, purification, prayer and of God and love of neighbor.
    I have said it before and I say it again...Papa Francis is calling us all to follow him in following Jesus! He is preaching mercy, the Cross, devotion to our Lady, confession, being above all, centered in Christ.

    My precious holy Guardian Angel is now going to be working overtime to help me get there. ^^ My hope is all of us will arrive in unity, as one, so that the world may believe.

  2. Yaya, you write the most beautiful and hopeful things - thank you very much.

    I believe Pope Francis is Christ's Vicar and that he is 'rebuilding' Christ's Church - he is the new Francis for our age.

    I have to remember to avoid certain blogs which question his authority.

    May our angels meet and embrace on their feast.

  3. I should add that if my post sounded negative - it wasn't meant to - sometimes I long for release from what ails me, and I'm very afraid of being a burden to others. I don't often ask for prayers, but I need them now. Thanks for not asking what is wrong.

  4. Ah..yes, our two precious companions met.
    They smiled and bowed and praised God
    for his mercy,
    his love,
    his justice
    and above all,
    his eternal desire that we,
    his little ones,
    should love him with our
    with all our mind,
    with all of our being.

    And then, you want to know what they did next, dear Terry?

    They prayed for us, as they knelt in adoration before the beauty of God made flesh, our Lord Jesus Christ.

    It did not occur to me that your post sounded negative. I read it and simply thought that like the rest of us who are open and wanting to understand, well, you were simply doing just that. I am so glad I found your site. I feel at home here and I have you and your faith in Christ and in his Church to thank for that.


  5. +JMJ+

    I really love the art, Terry. What is it?

  6. Thanks Yaya!

    Enbrethiliel - I think it is from the old St. Andrew Daily Missal.

  7. Holy Angels! Who do ya root for?

    What? My brother's high school.


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