Thursday, July 25, 2013

Pilgrims to Santiago Compostela: Prayers for the victims and survivors of the Spanish train derailment.

Most of the victims were pilgrims for today's feast of Santiago:
De todo corazón mi pésame a Galicia por el terrible accidente del tren procedente de Madrid con destino Ferrol, cuatro kilómetros antes de la estación  de Santiago de Compostela.

Precisamente en la víspera de la festividad del apóstol Santiago, Patrón de España.

Mis oraciones por todas las víctimas, heridos y fallecidos, así como mi apoyo y dolor a sus familiares.

Santiago Apóstol, Patrón de España, ruega por ellos
y ruega por España - Source 

A Pilgrim's Prayer

O God, who brought your servant Abraham out of the land of the Chaldeans, protecting him in his wanderings, who guided the Hebrew people across the desert, we ask that you watch over us, your servants, as we journey in the love of your name to Santiago de Compostela.
Be for us our companion on the way,
Our guide at the crossroads,
Our breath in our weariness,
Our protection in danger,
Our albergue on the Camino,
Our shade in the heat,
Our light in the darkness,
Our consolation in our discouragements,
And our strength in our intentions.
So that with your guidance we may arrive safe and sound at the end of the Road and enriched with grace and virtue we return safely to our homes filled with joy.
In the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.
Apostle Santiago, pray for us.
Santa Maria, pray for us.

Much more on the disaster here

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