Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Obama Birth Certificate and the Third Secret.

Don't you people get it?  Yet?
Indeed, the Smoking Gun website has already compiled a list of inconsistencies found in the document, including asking, “If the original document was in a bound volume (as reflected by the curvature of the left hand side of the certificate), how can the green patterned background of the document’s safety paper be so seamless?” - Obama Birth Certificate Raises As Many Questions As It Answers

To be continued...
Next installment: "Was that man in the cape at the United Nations the notorious Fr. Z?"  An intriguing investigative post dealing with new queries swirling about the Catholic vortex as to why a middle aged priest, supposedly incardinated to the Rome diocese, yet living the la vida loca, farmer in the dell high life in central Wisconsin, is always caught roaming New York City...  gorging himself on Chinese food and swilling martinis.  I know!  


  1. This is a very good admonishment.

    If there is a problem with them, we should also take it to the Dispenser of Divine Graces, who forms Priests in the image of her Son.

    We can say what a Priest should be and do. It has been translated in the encyclical Ad Catholici Sacerdotii of Pius XI, 29 December 1935 ...

    #10. The priest, according to the magnificent definition given by St. Paul is indeed a man Ex hominibus assumptus, "taken from amongst men," yet pro hominibus constituitur in his quae sunt ad Deum, "ordained for men in the things that appertain to God".

    We need a sense of urgency, as souls either gain Heaven or Hell immediately upon Death.

    We cannot allow our Priests to 'go with the flow.'

    We must admonish them.


  2. I am so admonished. Really. No greater truth, there Defend Us.

    It's just too crazy out there...I just spent most of my day in the hospital (not me, this time...poor Br. Joseph had some minor surgery).
    It really makes ya think, though.

  3. Sorry, that shoulda been St. Michael...
    I'm running on low right now...

  4. Just a bit of a snark comment re Fr Z...

    Uh...if he's not assigned to a parish per se and he can bebop all around the country, then get him assigned to the Salt Lake Diocese...we have a MASSIVE shortage of priests here, especially in Central and Southern Utah in the little mission churches..I know my dear Fr Erik could use a bit of a break now and again without dragging some poor priest out of retirement to say Mass..

    I'll even help him pack.

    There shouldn't any priest anywhere kicking their heels back when they can be put to good use elsewhere..especially ones young enough to drive long distances without health reprocussions.

    Just a sayin'...


  5. For a second, I thought you said "farmer in the deli" I seriously need to get my eyes checked.

  6. Sara, you are ABSOLUTELY right.

  7. Fr. - prayers for Br Joseph and you! Sorry to be so frivolous in light of all of the bad things happening in the world.

  8. Thanks, Terry.
    Loved the pic of Mel.
    Poor sot.
    He really is lovable, yeah?
    As for Fr. Z....well....let things fall where they will...I have no knowledge of anything, but one must be very careful (esp. as a priest) where one decides to give info. Yeah.

  9. Terry: Like you --St. Teresa?- always remind us: there is great gain in religion, lol. Birth Certificate? Wouldn't touch it w/ a 10 foot pole...

    Miguel--you keep us on our toes...

    Sara--Hope the emlements are improving for you.

    Padre: " I am so admonished", lol. I have been worried about you, Padre. Are you OK?

  10. The emlements? Elements. What is wrong w/ me? No one taught me how to type in high school--convent.

  11. My Fr. Z reference is just in fun, BTW - in keeping with the conspiracy theory silliness.

  12. Fr Z. should be really pissing off Charlotte! (Love you, dear!)...if she's in fact, reading his blogs...
    I know you're kidding, Terry.
    That's what makes it so fun!

  13. Maria: Thanks. I'm doing just fine.
    I've been on a bit of a hiatus. I'm back, though.

  14. Is it "sot?" I thought it was "sod." And what does either one mean? Then again I thought the lyrics to one famous early 90's song was "goob is in the hall" instead of "groove is in the heart." (turns up his beltone).

  15. A 'sot' drinks on the old 'sod'. The old sod is the shanty with a grass roof that the 'sot' (drunk) lives in - I think. Or is it the property?

  16. Fr NP--Glad to see you back...will pray for you and Br. Joseph.


  17. I read, "living la vida loca, farmer in the dell style."

  18. Terry--I know the Fr Z ref was in fun. Mine was too...

  19. You say "sod", I say "sot"...whatever!LOL!
    As for the "farmer in the dell in central WI"..wish I had the key to that one;
    I live here but damn, if we're not in hock, and somehow, St. Joseph is keeping us alive; good for him.
    No trips to NY, Rome or wherever on the radar here; reminds me of the monks of Mt. Athos. I pray for that kind of solitude and separation; yet, here I am on the internet.
    The irony of it all:)!

  20. One thing that bears some investigation unto the highest ranks and darkest corners of Rome is:

    Abbey Roads Mr. Terry Nelson was not invited to the blog fest in Rome.

    There is treachery afoot, of that I am certain.

    Pound for pound this is a most Heavyweight blog that deserves to represent America.

    To exclude Mr. Nelson is to create an injustice for all the world's oppressed; those that have no friends, the homeless, and especially the Widows and Orphans.


  21. St. Michael: Rome would collapse under the collective fabulousness of Terry and The Crescat being together in the same city.

  22. Mr. Vincenzo is another one they overlooked, Senora Cathy of Alex.

    When you shake them out, both of these men have blogs that are hard hitting and very informative.

    When they have videos, they can be downloaded, when a hot topic comes up, they don't retreat, they meet them head one and work hard for Truth.



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