Friday, May 01, 2009

Should women be allowed out of the house?

That question answered here.


  1. Where did you get that photo of me???

  2. Some of them should be MADE to get out of the House. Ditto the Senate! :-D

  3. That is perfect! I wish they would.

  4. LOL!!!! Actually his ex-MIL loaned us that movie. I know!!

  5. Anonymous1:27 AM

    Hey, I keep telling my husband that I would like to stay home, and not have to work--I'll just stay home and take care of the house and cook him dinner, and he can take care of the rest--He says, "sorry Tara, we need your paycheck." Drat! Damm those women lib-ers, they ruined it for all us women! Now women have to take care of the house, cook him dinner, and work outside the house besides!

  6. as a woman I can emphatically answer ..."NO!". We all want to secretly castrate men and eat their livers. Then finish the night with a mani/pedi and nice cocktail.

  7. That's why I refuse to become a best selling author.

  8. Tara - I know.
    Kat - I know - did I ever tell you about my mom?

  9. LeoRufus7:10 AM

    I often wonder what goes on in those nail salons. I am sure it is conspiracy.


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