Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Dire Straits

Quote of the week.
"Again, let us not forget the dire results for those who attack a priest to harm him, to raise their hand (or keyboard or tongue) against the Lord’s anointed."


I wonder if the same warning applies to priest on bishop, or priest on priest?
(Only if the victim is traditional, I suppose.)


  1. michael r.8:43 AM

    Great catch! I saw that and re-read it several times, wondering what was meant since that site frequently seems like a forum for beating up on any priest or bishop who doesn't fit the "orthodox" mold. I think it must have been tongue in cheek or something.

  2. Church directives past and present refer to the physical assault of a cleric and not just a priest (deacons and bishops also). While ALL Christians must respect the dignity of ALL the baptized (let alone human dignity)the saints and noblke figures of history also show us the valdity of prophetic witness, be it by tongue or keyboard.

    I think the problem is more one of discernment: is the Lord calling someone to this prophetic witness or are they simply claiming it for themselves?

    The idea that one is to NEVER give this prophetic witness towards the clergy is a perfect breeding ground for the corruption that this and many other blogs/sites rightly condemn. I really don't think we wanna go there and let corruption secretly flourish...unless we want to be responsible oursleves for another "Reformation" in the future.

  3. I've always loved a good fight though.


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